Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

How to Build a Culture Literacy


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys...

Now, I will give you steps about “How to Build a Culture Literacy.” 
Let’s read now and apply!.

Hasil gambar untuk gambar literasi

Literacy is a person’s ability to use potential and skills in processing and understanding information while carrying out reading and writing activities.
Following are 7 ways to build a culture literacy :

1. Grow Awareness on the Importance of Reading

Awareness of the benefits is very important so that children like to read. Reading hobbies have many advantages. By reading, you will get more and more comprehensive information. Reading is also very effective for memory recall. Some experts say reading keeps us from dementia – damage to the nervous system, on of the effects of which is memory loss.
Growing awareness of reading can be started from the family. Fro example, parents provide reading books at home. This of course is offset by the willingness of parents to set aside money to buy books. This is where the role of parents is very necessary to build a culture of literacy.

2. Cultivate Reading in School

Schools are a means of formal education. Therefore, schools can be used as a place to cultivate reading. This is closely related to the role of teachers in implementing literacy-based learning. The teacher presents sufficient material, students who develop. The teacher's job is to guide the students' work to be right. Learning Indonesian is very suitable for getting used to literacy because there are basic competencies in reading and writing. Even so, all subjects can still be integrated with the reading culture.

3    3. Optimize the Role of the Library
The role of the library is also very important to improve the literacy movement. The library is a warehouse for books, while the book is a source of reading and writing. The thing that needs to be improved mow is to maximize the role of the library to build a culture of literacy.
For Example : For example, adding a collection of books, improving library order, or adding hours to visits. All these efforts were made so that the library became an interesting place to visit. The library must be optimized not only in schools, but also in the regions.

4. Get used to prizes in the form of books
One of the things that can be accustomed to creating a culture of literacy is to get used to giving books as gifts. For example, when your friend's birthday, or just a gift for a dear friend or person. That way, you indirectly invite friends to read.

5    5. Form a Reading Community
The reading community is an association of people who love reading. Do you have it? Or maybe you have friends who both love reading. You can form a community to discuss the book you just read. The community is also useful so that you have the latest references about the books you like.

6    6.  Get used to Writing a Diary
Literacy is not only reading, but continued by writing. Refraction of writing can begin with a diary. In the current era, it can be started by writing a blog. Writing is preceded by reading because both are continuous language skills. Therefore, people who are skilled at writing are usually good readers.

7    7.  Appreciation Writing
The next step to building a literacy culture is to appreciation writing. By appreciating it, it means you support a culture of academic writing that grows well in our country. The birth of brilliant ideas to overcome the nation's problems was born from a scientific writing.The writing is obtained through research so that it is relevant to be applied to overcome the problem. Appreciating writing is one step to advance literacy culture in Indonesia.
In the present, children are more familiar with cellphones than books. Various games and social media offered are indeed very interesting. However, reading and writing is also interesting if it is used early.

I hope the article can useful for the readers.
Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 7 : Count Blackwood

Winners in wizard matches were usually not determined by 'who had the most magic', but 'who had the fastest spelt'. My revolver used a bolt-action system. This time, I benefited in terms of speed of attack.'Started' I pointed my revolver towards Demian, and a very explosive sound was heard. The entire audience felt silent.Bang! Bang! Trak! Trak!But Demian was not hurt at all, a semi-transparent wall (like glass) appeared before Demian quickly."Belm hor!"Without realizing it, Demian's stick was pointing at me, a small ball of light appeared and shot towards me. The ball of light hit the ground and suddenly created an explosion that bounced me off. Explosive curse!I did not want to let Demian continue to attack me, I roll over and ran around. A small cylindrical object extending from my belt, began to emit purple flames and gray smoke, I immediately threw it towards Demian. In this way, he would find it difficult to attack me."Your fald!" Demian said the spell. At that moment, a small wind appeared and eliminated the smoke that I had created."Emergency!" I forgot that he could use speling to get rid of the wind!I did not want to waste the opportunity, I immediately took out my revolver.Bang! Bang! Bang! I spent 6 bullets in the cylinder. Even so, Demian managed to avoid it by rolling to the side. Then, Demian took 4 planes from the pocket of his robe, and threw the paper airplane into the air. "Flamus kratus!"Quickly, the plane caught fire and turned into a golden fire bird.
Luckily I made preparations, I stopped running and I took out a cloth, one by one the bird hit the cloth and turned into a blue flame. I did not burn at all.It worked!"W-What?" I saw Demian's face confused, and I held back a smile.There was a loud crowd of spectators. All sounds were mixed together: women, men, old, young, students, even teachers. Although different sources, but they had one equation. That was shouting in support of Demian."Demian! Come on! You can! Beat that person! ""Mr. Demian! Excitement, sir! Fast! Just a little more! You can do it!" A moment later, all the sounds became solid. They shouted their heroes simultaneously. "DEMIAN! DEMIAN! DEMIAN! DEMIAN! DEMIAN! " 

I will prove, magic is not everything. Magic is not the highest power! Humans still have other potential! I am sure of it! And I'll prove it! 
Because I only used my right hand (trembling), I was a little hampered. I almost cried, but finally I managed to do it. I immediately turned the cylinder and I pulled the hammer back. Now my revolver was ready. All this will work, victory is in my hands.
A Ha ha. Ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I lifted my face from the ground and held up my revolver. In front of me was Demian who was pointing his wand at me. Even though it was in a pathetic state, a firm and serious expression still had not disappeared from Demian's face.
Ah. Shit!

"Belm hor!"

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 6 : Witch Duel 

In the past, Normar was in a position of destruction because it was constantly attacked by dragons, orcs, goblins, trolleys and other monsters. But when the wizard nation surfaced, the Normars also went safe. That was proof that magic was the power of man himself. "Hardly, firmly, Demian explained his thoughts to me.I stood up and faced Demian. "If the magicians did not show up, I was sure the Normars would survive. They only needed time. Humans were not stupid creatures, they continued to grow. Modern technology weapons would appear to increase human strength. "Demian shooked his head. "As long as there was no evidence, your words are only hypotheses. Let's just look at the facts. This magnificent castle, the Great Emperor's Palace, trade, transportation, communication and military routes, it was all built using magic. was this not proof that humans cannot progress without magic? ""That proved that humans were too dependent on magic, without magic, humans could still build magnificent buildings, created trade routes, made transportation, communicated long distances, and made military power.""In what way?""With their mind. I told you, humans were developing beings. When having needed, people would always think, then created an innovation. "Then, why was there no innovation until now?" 
Because all human needed have been covered by magic. Maybe this was quite rough, but in my opinion, magic was a factor that maked humans experience stagnation in civilization. "Demian closed her eyes, then sighed. "Mr. Redforest, your thoughts were too objective. You had to be aware, just because you were stupid (stupid) in magic, you could not create a heart-warming theory that suited you. "Demian Noblesky! I, Fafner Redforest, challenge you in a witch duel!"
In an instant, news about me challenging Demian spread throughout the academy. Not only students, all the teachers also heard it. The referee was Gildwalk. The match would be held on Saturday morning, 9 o'clock, at the Roftor Academy of Magic. I kept checking all the tools I made until I felt asleep on the table. When I woke up, I got ready right away. Without taking a bath first, I wore my robe.When I came out of my room I could hear people calling me 'Fake Breeds'. I ignored all that.After preparing myself in the waiting room, I entered the arena of competition, the entired audience seat was fully filled, and all the students wore black robes. Not long after Demian emerged from the east door, everyone was very happy to see Demian coming. What an unfair treatment.In the middle of the field, there was a witch wearing a robe. He was the Gildwalk, the match referee. Me and Demian approached each other."This was a holy witch duel, you would be said to lose if: surrender to your opponent, unconscious, seriously injured and until you could not continue this match, or ... die. So, if someone was injured or died, there should be no resentment between you, your friends, or your family. Understand? "Gildwalk explained lazily.Demian pulled out his wand and lifted it in front of his face. Meanwhile, I pulled out a revolver gun that was different from a wand.Gildwalk raised his hand. "With this, I declare the witch's duel will be carried out soon."Ready! Three! Two! One! Start! "

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 5 : Witch Duel

Because I was still not allowed to go back to the dormitory, I spent the night in this quiet health room. I tried to spend time designing my fire spear. Energy effectiveness, was a deficiency that I could conclude yesterday.I walked toward the window, I looked down, I saw humans wearing robes in the backyard of the castle. I felt suspicious. I realized that the he was moving towards the Holy Park. I still felt curious, and I decided to follow him. I had to be careful. Did not let the academy guards know me.
Along the way, I could not find the figure. Even so, I kept moving, and stopped under a tree. I went up and sat on one of the branches. To be able to help see things from a distance, I used binoculars and pointed them at the gate of the Holy Garden. I saw a man walking up and down.He had black hair, a wrinkled face, and wears a robe. Ow. Gildwalk. Teacher spelt my class! What are you doing there?!
In the morning, I immediately went to the counseling room and told my findings to Professor Roughsea."Hmm ... Fafner, are you sure about this?""I'm sure Professor! I see it with my own eyes!I took out the object Professor Rough said and let Professor try it."Ah! Great! You were great, I did not believe that this was not magic! "The Rough Professor raised his hand. "But I will investigate again, you did not be careless in drawing conclusions."

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 4 : Witch Duel

Five minutes before the first lesson started, without taking a shower or having breakfast, I immediately prepared the things I needed to carry. Not forgetting, I also brought a broom because today there were Flight and Air Traffic lessons. After everything was ready, I ran towards the door and out of the room.I moved quickly, like someone who was being chased by a dog."Excuse me.""...?""As I expected, the class has started. Right now, in front of me, a 27-year-old woman, beautiful, but fierce. "Good morning Sis ... I mean, morning Professor."The woman saw me with a very frightening expression. I was silent. He doesn't want to accept any reason.
#The second lesson was Flights and Air Traffic. It was done at the courtyard of the castle with Professor Graley as his teacher. He was a thick, fussy grandfather, old man.Even though my class has entered Maneuver material 3 sharp turns, only I myself have not been able to fly."Lavonte!" I cried many times. Nothing happened, the broom remained motionless."Lavonte! Lavonte! Lavoooontee! Laaaaaavonte! Laaaaaaaaaaavooooonteeeeeeeeeeeeee! LAVONTE KAPARAT! ”"Ouch, ouch. Fake breeds. What have you said? Very rude. "Viktor Deepblood came with 2 friends. They fly around me while underestimating me."Shut up. Noisy.""Poor thing ...""I said shut up!"They all laughed. "You are indeed a fake breed. Even though your sister was a professor at this academy. And your sister was a smart student in class 1. But why are you so sad? ""Lavonte!" I said. I knew it wouldn't work, but I did it to cover Viktor's voice.Then, a miracle happened.My brush lifted and began to float. Original! I can fly! I was surprised. Viktor and his 2 friends were also surprised."W-what? Impossible.""Ha ha! What do you want to say ?! "I said arrogantly. "Now I can fly! Li-see."But why do I feel that this broom is spinning. Eh? this is indeed circling! And again, it's getting faster! "My brush kept spinning faster and faster. I tried to stop him. But was crazy broom would stop. I strengthen my grip as much as possible and start screaming hysterically. Even so, one minute later, I lost my balance and felt from my own broom.

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 3 : Magicians without Magic

Twenty minutes later, I sat in a room with Hannah. In front of us, there was a witch wearing a blue robe. He was around 26 years old, but his face still looked young. Honestly, he i
was a very good teacher. He never looked down on me even though my abilities in magic were still very low. I respected him very much. So, I wanted to tell my problem honestly."Professor, I ..." I created a spear of fire, this thing was able to penetrate dragon scales. However, the tool I made made the roof of my room broken (holes). Some people accidentally saw this incident, and immediately report it to the authorities.And now, here I am. Sat in a semicircular room. A place called 'Counseling Room' which I have often visited lately. In front of me, was a counselor teacher. His name was Professor Windy Roughsea.Professor Roughsea looked at me with pity. "Luckily, your situation was fine, it looks like your creation was quite dangerous. You just want to be recognized? I understood. You could do whatever you wanted. It was your right. But, remembered, you did not live alone, Fafner. Tried to create something that was not too dangerous from now on. ""I would not fight his words." Professor Roughsea was very kind to me.After leaving the counseling room, I sat at my desk and looked for the cause of the mistake I had made.#I went out to the balcony, and tried to repair the broken roof. At that time, I heard the sound of people laughing. And I saw three male students in the castle courtyard."Fake breeds!" Said the student laughing. "What are you doing, huh ?! Give up being a witch and turn into a builder? "He was Viktor Deepblood, the name of an annoying person. He was a descendant of a noble wizard who was one class with me. He was very arrogant. Viktor and I have been hostile since we first entered the academy. Last year I couldn't stop farting all day because of being cursed by him,

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 2: Magicians without Magic

There had been a debate between Hannah and me, when I saw my room full of strange, even chemical, and animal feces; Hannah was immediately angry. He intended to destroy all of my collections, but of course I could not let that happen. We quarreled without realizing that the first lesson had begun.Using magic in the hall was a violation, but what can you do? we immediately got on the broom and went to the class in the western castle. According to the schedule, the first lesson was Family Language. Our teacher, Professor Herdick, was a small man (about 120 cm tall) with a face like a mouse.At this meeting, we were told to speak with pigeons and each student was given one tail."Eh? Sorry, Professor! What should I do?"I was sorry I asked, because almost all the magicians here had mastered the language of pigeons. Everyone laughs at me, even Hannah too. Professor Herdick told me to practice the results of my training."Have your pigeon enter the cage."I felt confused and resigned because my black pigeons didn't want to follow the instructions I gave just around the class.In the second lesson, Mantra. Would be taught by Gildwalk. I've always hated it, physically and in its nature. Gildwalk hobby was giving difficult questions to stupid students. Many people don't like Gildwalk, especially myself."You! Redforest! "Gildwalk pointed at me with his wand. "Explain the purpose of the caller's spell theory and technique!"Well, I really did not have the talent to be a witch, but Iwas smart enough. "The caller's mantra,‘ Fortosk ’, was a spell that can draw an object towards the spell user. "The way to use this mantra was imagine the shape of the object to be called, and rotate the stick clockwise, say the mantra‘ Fortosk ’along with the name of the object, and hold your breath until the object arrives.""How?! Perfect? Then now try practicing. ""B-but ...""I said, practice now! Come on, quickly!""Okay, sir." I raised my wand, then turned it clockwise, and said the spell. "Limestone Fortosk!"Boom! The whole class was covered in black smoke. My whole body was filled with dust. Finally, I was released by Gildwalk from the class. A few seconds later, Hannah followed me, he was also expelled for not being able to answer questions from Gildwalk.

Scientist in Magic Academy

Scientist in Magic Academy
Part 1 : Magicians without Magic

The story of a scientist who lived in the midst of magicians. I was a witch. However, I could not do magic.I ran on the side of the road carrying lots of luggage. The road I was passing now was a road full of grass in the middle of the forest, though I was not alone. Above me there were many figures wearing robes and riding brooms. They all wore identical clothes like a witch. A few kilometers later, I began to lose my strength. All my clothes were wet with sweat, some parts of my body hurt. I die ... I would die! Ukh!Then I realized the magicians above me were starting to lower the height of their brooms. That meant the academy was not far away.1 minutes later, a large building appeared in my sight. More precisely it was a castle.Roftor Magic Academy. The sound of writing on the academy's gate. Underneath there were a few sentences that are the watchword of this institution. "Magic is power, policy, virtue, and everything." To be honest, I never liked those words. In my opinion, magic was not everything.When I arrived at the academy, I immediately went to the hall and attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony went as excited as ever. My headmaster was an old woman (around 80 years old) who had a super eccentric nature. His name was Professor Kelly Hovey. His hobbies screamed like crazy dogs, yell at those who comment on him, and usually ran on the table if there was food he wanted. He once enchanted all students to laugh for an hour.What a terrible woman."Fayo."
Suddenly the voice of a girl called me when the ceremony was over. Looked, a female student of my age was standing behind me."Uh ... Hannah."Hannah Eldolfia. 14 years old, red hair with a waist length. Had slices of green eyes and a wide forehead. Some people thought this girl was beautiful, but I considered her a weirdo. I immediately went to the dormitory and asked Hannah's magic to help carry luggage. Hannah then held my broomstick horizontally in the air, then said, "Lavonte."Instantly, the broom lifted itself and floated. I immediately linked all my luggage to the broom. After that, Hannah pulled out her wand. "Redios!" Suddenly, all the curtains in my room shifted. "Rotre!" Came the buzzing sound. It turns out the sound of the window opens itself.Seeing all the occult phenomena, I was surprised. "Ow, practically."

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

The Legend of Bromo Mountain

The Legend of Gunung Bromo
Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King’s wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it “Tengger”, which was derived from the couples’ names: Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.
After several years the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy because they did not have a child. Frustrated, they climbed the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the gods would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child in return.
Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, then another, and another. In the end Roro Anteng and Joko Seger got 25 children. Soon it was time for them to sacrifice the youngest child, Kesuma, but the parents just could not do it. They tried to hide the child, but an eruption happened and Kesuma fell into the crater. There was silence before they heard a voice: “I have to be sacrificed so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.”It was Kesuma’s voice. Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year. Instead of a human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.

The Legend of Kusu

The Kusu Legend Favourite stories from SingaporeOver a hundred and fifty years ago there lived in the village which is now Singapore, two holy men. One was an Arab named Dato Syeh Rahman, and the other was a Chinese named Yam.These holy men spent most of their time praying and fasting. But soon they found the village too noisy. And so one day Yam said to his friend. “Syed, there is an island near here where we could go for some peace and quite.”“That’s a wonderful idea” said Syed. “But how do we go there?”“That’s easy. We hire a boat,” said Yam, and that is what they did. Their boat was very simple, and they took nothing to eat or drink.God took Yam and Syed Rahman to the island safely and when they got there, they each went a different way to pray and fast. Yam walked up the hill, and Syed stayed near the sea.For two days, the man prayed without having anything to eat and drink. Then Yam began to feel sick. At first he tried to hide his illness from his friend, but soon his throat began to feel as if it were on fire, and his lips grew dry and cracked. Yam went to where his friend was praying.“Syed,” he called. “Syed.”“Yam,” said Syed. “You look weak.” He felt his friend’s forehead. “Why, you are burning up with fever.”Syed made a place for Yam to rest, and while Yam slept, he prayed, after praying for some time. Syed shook him by the soldier.“Wake up, Yam.” He said, “Wake to the boat now. I think you’ll find all you need there.”Yam walked to the boat, and when he got there he found food and a jar of cool fresh water. He ate and drank, then went back to Syed and told him what happened.“God is merciful,” said Syed. “Now we must go on with our prayers.”Yam went back to the hill-top while Syed stayed by the sea. They prayed and fasted for several more days before returning to their homes. After that, the two holy men often went to the island to pray. And many years later first one. And then the other, died on the island. Syed Rahman’s mother, Cik Galib, and his siter, Cik Sharfah Fatimah, were both very religious women, and when they died, their bodies were also brought to the island and buried there. Later, a Chinese temple for Tuah Peh Kong, the God of Prosperity, was built on this same island.Today, thousands of people visit Kusu Island each year. The come to honour the two holy men, Yam and Dato Syed Rahman, who first went there.

The Legend of Coban Rondo

The Legend of  Coban Rondo

Once upon a time, there was a pair of new bride and bridegroom is perform marriage. Bride her name Dewi Anjarwati from Kawi Mountain is a marriage with Raden Kusuma from Anjasmoro Moutain.
After age their marriage reached thirty six day, Dewi Anjarwati invite for her husband visit to Anjasmoro Mountain. However, Dewi Anjarwati parent’s forbid bride and bridegroom go to Anjasmoro Mountain, because age their marriage new thirty six day. However, bride and bridegroom persist to went. Their go to Anjasmoro Mountain with all of them risk if to way. When in the way, both of them shocked with his arrive Joko Lelono is don’t clear his beginning. Visible Joko Lelono interesting with beauty Dewi Anjarwati and try to take by force. The battle cann’t spared to punokawan is their participate. Raden Baron Kusuma give a instruction in order that Dewi Anjarwati hidden in a place is a Coban (waterfall).
The battle perform utter a shout, the last same the fall. And than Dewi Anjarwati became widow. That since Coban place Dewi Anjarwati wait to her husband popular with called COBAN RONDO and big stone under waterfall is a seating position Dewi Anjarwati.

Why the Sea is Salty?

Why the Sea is Salty?

Long, long time ago, in the South coast of Asia, there is a big cave whom a giant live there. His name is Asong. The villagers near the cave knew him and Asong always helped the transport salt from the mountains to their village for everyday use. Since he was gigantic, he can travel half of the world just in three days.

But once, the town's people from other towns heard about how productive the village was, they planned to associate with the villagers there; but honestly the want to invade the place. Knowing by the number of people, they forcefully set a deal with the villagers for a promise of greater production in return. But, in spite of their few numbers, they disagreed because they knew that if the town's people knew about Asong, they will freak out and maybe they will capture Asong and make him a source of entertainment to everyone. Also, news really flies that's why Asong heard the news immediately and his anger defeated him. He rage directly to the invaders and drove them away and the villagers celebrated for the greatness Asong did for them.

Even though, Asong drove them, they still would't give up so they planned scheme how they can get rid of the giant.

Meanwhile, while Asong was transferring bags and bags of salt from the mountain to the village, the invaders sneaked to the forest and as soon as Asong reach the shore they broke jars full of ants to attack Asong to let the villagers know that nothing and no one can get in their way of succeeding. Because of the itchiness Asong felt because of ant bites he could't control his balance and fell down splashing into the water. Because of that, the salt sank down, down into the depth.

Because of what happened, the villagers' will to fight rose up and in the end, defeated the town's people. But, unfortunately, Asong drowned himself and the villagers couldn't do anything to move Asong because he's very big. The villagers just acknowledged the great deed Asong gave them and buried him there eventually by just putting soil all over his body.

By the end, because time passes, Asong became a complete land and the people called the land Asia derived from Asong's name and because of Asong, the Sea is Salty.

The Legend of Seagull

The mermaid and the fisherman

Once there was a young fisherman who live on Pulau Hantu. His home on the northern shore of the island was made of dried palm leaves, and he found it very comfortable. Though he was often lonely.

The mermaid and the fishermen story
Each morning the young fisherman went fishing, and then he took his fish  to Singapore where he would sell them in the market. One morning when he was pulling in his nets, he heard someone crying. He looked down into the water and saw that he had caught a mermaid!
The young fisherman quickly pulled his net into the boat. “Let me go.” Cried the mermaid. “Let me go.”
The fisherman was too surprised to move. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I am on my way home to my father’s kingdom beneath the sea. I had stopped a moment to look at those island over there when you caught me.”
“Do you like the island?” asked the fisherman. “I live on one of them myself.”
“They are beautiful. But don’t you ever get lonely? There can’t be many smiled people on the island.”
The fisherman smiled. “Yes I do sometimes get lonely,” he said. “But my work keeps me busy,”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well, there isn’t much to tell. I catch fish, and then I sell them in the market. Then I take my boat and go home.”
“Do you always catch so many fish?” asked the mermaid. Looking at the many fish in the nets.
“Not always. In fact, some morning I don’t catch any.”
As the mermaid listened to the fisherman. She felt in love with him. Soon she wished to marry him and live with him on the island, and so, the mermaid and the fisherman were married.
They were very happy. She helped him by swimming ahead of his boat and telling him where the best fish were. She cooked for him and helped him repair his nets. The young fisherman was a good husband. He worked hard and soon he was able to buy a fine new boat.
One evening the mermaid said to the fisherman. “If you are ever lost at sea, I shall ask the gods to turn me into a bird. Then I shall fly all over the earth to look for you.”
“Don’t worry,” said the fisherman. “I’m sure nothing like that will happen.”
The fisherman was wrong. One day a terrible storm came to the sea near the island while he was out in his boat. The mermaid, who was at home, prayed that he would come home safely. She prayed and waited for several days, and she became very ill. “Gods of the sea and the earth,” she prayed. “change me into a bird,” soon she died, and the gods granted her wish; they changes her into a bird so she could look for her lost husband.

The young fisherman, meanwhile, was on another island where the sea had taken him during the storm. After the storm had passed, he returned home, but the mermaid was gone. He looked all over the island for her without success. Then he sat down to wait. The days of waiting turned into weeks and the weeks into years. The fisherman grew old and sad, waiting for his wife to come home.
Then one day a white seagull flew over the fisherman’s house. The seagull cried out, but the fisherman didn’t hear it because he was dreaming of his mermaid. A few hours later. He died.
When the fisherman died. The gods of the sea and the earth turned him into a seagull. He flew joy fully to his wife, and together they flew away.

The Legend of Red Hill

The Legend of Bukit Merah

There was once a king, who was the most handsome in the land. No one could be compared to him, he grew haughty and proud, always seeking praises. He could not bear it, if others got praised for clever antics or acts of bravery, and his jealousy would grow into hatred. In fact, he would actually kill those who drew attention away from him.

One day, a shoal of swordfish came to the shores of Singapore and began leaping up the beaches and attacking the people on the beaches. Fishermen were attack too. The swordfish were strong and large, they had long hard snouts and razor sharp teeth which they pierced right through the bodies of the people with violence. When the king heard this terrible news, he got up on his war elephant & took his army to the beach. He saw many bodies of his people strewn across the sandy white beaches now stained red with blood.

The king immediately ordered his men to kneel and form a line on the beach. That created a wall against the swordfish. But this didn't stop the fish from attacking. In fact, one of the swordfish leapt so high up in the air, his snout tore the sleeve of the king. Upon seeing so many of his men being killed by the ferocious fishes, the king ordered the men to retreat immediately and declared that everyone stayed away from the coastline. Meanwhile, he gathered all his advisors and tried to figure out a way to deal with the problem, as Singapore is dependent on its fishing and seas for trade. A boy asked for the audience of the king. He said, 'Your Highness, I may have a solution to the swordfish. Why don't we line the beaches with banana stems, so when the garfish attack them, they will become stuck and we can kill them at our own leisure?'

The king, having no other solution, executed the plan and ordered his men to cut banana stems and firmly plant them along the beach at low tide. Soon the tide came up and the shoals of swordfish approached. The king, his men and the little boy watched as the swordfish began jumping toward the line of banana stems and getting their snouts stuck in the thick stems. When the last swordfish got itself stuck, the men began to slay each and every one of the fishes, ending the menace.

A shout of joy rang out throughout the kingdom and the people began to praise the boy for his cleverness, calling him a genius and a blessing from the gods. The king's heart began fill with jealousy and rage. That night, the king ordered his lieutenants to kill the boy.
The boy lived with his mother on a small hill in the southern part of the island, but his mother could not sleep that night and left the boy asleep in their hut to take a walk. The lieutenants walked up the hill and pulling out their kris (wavy blade dagger), began to stab the boy. At first, the boy began to scream in pain and cry. His mattress then filled with blood. When the men stopped stabbing the boy, they noticed something was amiss. The blood did not stop flowing and became a fountain of blood. Scared, the lieutenants fled from the hut.

The fountain of blood oozed down the hill, covering it. The next morning, the people of Singapore gathered around the hill, wondering why it was red. After searching the hill, they found the boy's body and became sad, never knowing that it was their own king who plotted the boy's death. As the hill was reddish, the people began calling it Bukit Merah, or Red Hill.

The Legend of Lake Maninjau

Once, in a village in Gunung Tinjau, West Sumatra, there lived two people who loved each other. The two men were named Siti Rasani and Giran. They wanted to get married soon, but one of Siti's brothers named Kukuban did not approve it.

He did not approve it because of his grudge with Giran who had defeated him during the martial arts match and caused his leg to hurt. Siti had repeatedly persuaded her brother to give his permit, but her brother still insisted on opposing their love.

One day, Giran and Siti were going to the forest to find a cure for her brother. On the way home, the skirt worn by Siti caught the spiked wood until it was torn. One of the residents who saw the incident accused them of doing something shameful and violating customary ethics.

Therefore, Giran and Siti were led by citizens to be tried. The customary council ruled that they were guilty and as a punishment both of them had to be thrown into the Gunung Tinjau Crater so as not to cause havoc to the population.

Giran tried to explain what really happened, but none of the people believed it. At the top of Mount Tinjau, before they were thrown into the crater, Giri prayed to Allah. In the prayer he asked God to erupt the mountain as a sign that they were innocent.

Shortly after the two partners were dumped, a massive eruption occurred on Mount Review. This caused a great earthquake and destroyed all settlements.

In fact, the eruption caused the crater to grow to resemble a lake. The lake is now referred to as Lake Maninjau.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

The Legend of Lau Kawar Lake

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone..😄

"The Legend Of Lau Kawar Lake"
You are curious about the story? Let's read now yes. 

At that time, people believe that harvest season has arrived in Kawar village. The entire citizen was happy with the rice crops; like the Kawar village chief who definitely delighted since he had a very wide field. As the expression of gratitude to God, the Kawar Village chief held a Guro-Guro Aron Drum party in his field for four days and four nights. The entire citizen was invited to that extraordinary party.
Because the invitation was send by the village chief no one dare to refuse the invitation except an old woman, the mother of the village chief. This woman was alone in the house, while all of her children and grandchildren went to the party. Continuously some faint drum voices from time to time could be heard from her bed. Around midday the danced was stopped for lunch break. The village chief and the whole villagers were having luxurious and abundant lunch. Beef and goat as well as pig and chicken were served in the meals; everyone was full, satisfied and happy. But this was just the first day.
After resting for a moment, the dancing and singing was continued came guided by the village chief's child. Strangely while dancing in the afternoon the village chief called his small child, apparently he remembered his mother who was left was alone and hungry at home. Rice with decent side dishes was prepared. The small child was told to deliver it to his grandmother house. However unfortunate fate once again fell on the grandmother, he forgot to delivered the lunch in time, even food he should be delivering was opened by him in the middle of the road and all beef, goat, chicken, and pig was eaten until only the bones left and then the grandchild packed the bone into the original parcel.
Although the lunch was arrived very late on the afternoon but the grandmother still smile to her grandchild who came to bring the lunch. After delivering the lunch, the grandchild then returns the field immediately. Thus the old woman with great difficulty got up from the bed to eat. But when the parcel in opened the grandmother startled because there are only bones in it. For a long time the baffled grandmother gazed at the parcel, did not realize his tear fell wetted his wrinkled cheek. Indeed the grandmother's fate was poor. The child whom she raised into a respected village chief has forgotten his mother. The grandmother's conscience was very sad, disappointed and angry. She cried, and swore "I who give birth and raised you, till you have the respected position evidently you could not respect your own parents, this mother's milk as the witness my child, for that is swore” her tears continued to fell on her cheek. Not long afterwards the words of this unfortunate grandmother was granted, dark dew began to close the sky, as the day got dark. Lightning and the thunder swarmed continuously. The whole citizen who was celebrating the party began to panic; moreover the rain began to pour down rapidly.
The party was ended instantly; the entire citizen ran looking for a sheltering place. But the rain does not care, the rain continuously poured down for seven day and seven the night, then suddenly a flood happened. Kawar village that located precisely under Sinabung Mountain Foot was sunk. Nothing could be saved. Kawar village then became a lake, which today known as the Lau Kawar Lake.

Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

The Legend of Karang Bolong

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone..😃

I will retell about the legend of Karang Borong.  Do you want to know? Okey, let's read now. 

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom of Kertasura. However, the king was so sad because his wife was in a terrible ill. The king would do anything to see his wife well again. He had called all physicians in his kingdom, but none of them were capable to cure the disease. The queen’s condition got worst day by day. She was so skinny and helpless.

The queen’s condition made the king worried so much. His anxiousness not only affected himself but also the people of the kingdom. The government was not running as it should be. When it came to the prosperity of the people of the kingdom, an advisor should take an action to advice the king to solve the problem. "My lord, I think it will be better if you find a quiet place to pray to the almighty God for the queen’s healthy. " said advisor to the palace.

The next day, the king left the palace and go to the quiet place to do a meditation. It was not easy since there were many temptations during the meditation. However, the king could surpass all of them. One night during his meditation the king heard a voice. “Stop your meditation. If you want to cure the queen, you must take a ‘flower reef’ in Pantai Selatan (Southern Beach of Java).” Later, the king immediately return to the palace and asked his advisor about the voice he heard. “Pantai Selatan is so spacious. However, I am sure the place that voice says is in Karang Bolong region. There are many caves in which coral reefs grow. I think, your majesty could find the ‘flower reef’ there,” said the advisor with confidence.

Not long after that, the king asked his loyal servent, Adipati Surti to go to Karang Bolong region to find the ‘flower reef”. Adipati Surti did not go alone. He was accompanied by two loyal companions, Sanglar and Sanglur. After a few days of walking, they finally arrived in Karang Bolong region. In there, they found a cave. Adipati Surti immediately do meditation in the cave. After several days, Adipati Surti heard someone's voice. "Stop your meditation. I will grant your wish, but you must first meet my terms." Adipati Surti opened his eyes, and saw a beautiful girl like a goddess from heaven in front of him. The beautiful girl named Suryawati. She was a massager of Nyi Loro Kidul, a master of the southern sea.

The term that proposed by Surawati was that Adipati Surti must be willing to stay with her in the Southern Sea with her. After long thought, Adipati Surti agreed Suryawati’s terms. Shortly after that, Suryawati took Adipati Surti’s hand to show where ‘flower reef’ was. When Adipati Surti’s hand touched Suryawati’s, Adipati Surti felt his soul flew away with Suryawati while their body stayed still in the ground.

“Those are the ‘reef flower’,” said Suryawati pointing at swallow nests. “You can cure the queen’s illness by consuming those ‘reef flowers’ as herb,” Suryawati explained. After his soul back to his body, Adipati Surti immediately took quite a lot of swallow’s nests. After that, he was back to the palace with his two servants.

In the palace, the king was very happy to see Adipati Surti returned with herbs that could help his queen. Adipati Surti told everything about what happened to him and how to cure queen’s illness. After consuming swallow’ nests for several day, the queen began to regain her health. The king was so happy that he intended to give everything that Adipati Surti asked. However, Adipati Surti remembered his promise to Suryawati. He did not want to break a promise. Adipati Surti thanked the king about everything, but he must go back to Karang Bolong as he promised.

The king is sad that he could not repay Adipati Surti’s debt of bringing his queen back. Adipati Surti also was a good, humble, and loyal. However, the king must let Adipati Surti go. Sanglar and Sanglur also wanted to go too. They did not want to see their master go alone. Again Adipati Surti and his two loyal servants went to Karang Bolong region once more. As they arrived at Karang Bolong, they made a simple house. Onceit was completed, Adipati Surti meditated. Not long after that, his soul separated from the body and met Suryawati. "I came back to fulfill my promise," said Adipati Surti. Then, Adipati Surti and Suryawti married and lived happily in Karang Bolong.

Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

The Legend of Sendang Seni

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hay everyone..😄

I will retell the legend about "Sendang Seni" Do you want to know a short story? let's read now. 


Once upon a time, Sunan Kalijaga planned to visit Sunan Muria in Pati, Central Java. He asked his friend, Ki Rangga, to accompany him to go to Sunan Muria's house. Ki Rangga also asked several servants to join them to carry their luggage. And they began to their journey to Sunan Muria's house. Several hours later, Ki Rangga and his servents felt tired and thirsty.
“Huffh, what a hard day", murmured Ki Rangga.

"Is there anything wrong, Ki Rangga?" Asked Sunan Kalijaga.

"Are we still far from Sunan Muria’s house?” Asked Ki Rangga to Sunan Kalijaga.

“We are already in Kadipaten Pati Pesantenan. We will arrive at Sunan Muria’s house shortly. Please be patient.” Sunan Kalijaga replied.

Ki Rangga was embarrassed to walk together with Sunan Kalijaga. It is because Sunan Kalijaga did not even look tired or thirsty. Whan the time of Zuhur pray (noon pray) came, Sunan Kalijaga asked Ki Rangga and his servants to take a rest under a big tree. Sunan Kalijaga also asked them to take 'wudu' to pray. But there was no water there for them to clean up or wudu. Ki Rangga was confused.

“I don’t see any water nearby. Where should we take 'wudu'?” Ki Rangga asked.

Sunan Kalijaga only smiled and said, “We shall pray to Allah SWT for water. Now you must guard this big tree, because it may bring water to us. But promise me that you must inform me when the water comes out. I will be behind that hill.”

Ki Rangga promised Sunan Kalijaga to inform him when water came out. So Sunan Kalijaga went behind the hill and Ki Rangga with his servants sat under the big tree. They quickly fell asleep.

Suddenly water came out of the big tree. Ki Rangga and his servants became wet. They woke up. They were very happy to see the water because they were very tired and thirsty. They drank and played in the water. Ki Rangga forgot his promise to inform Sunan Kalijaga when the water came out.

Behind the hill, Sunan Kalijaga was worried. So he went to the big tree. He was surprised to see Ki Rangga and his servants were playing in the water.“You forgot my massage to inform me when the water comes out. Instead, you are playing in the water like a turtle,” said Sunan Kalijaga, softly.

A miracle happened. Ki Rangga and his servants turned into turtles. Ki Rangga was so sad that He changed into turtles because he did not keep his promise. The water formed a pond. It is now called Sendang Sani, in Pati, Central Java.

Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone...😄 

In here I will retell about the legend from West Java, maybe most people consider this legend to be mystical. You are curious? 
Okay,  let's read now. 

Long time ago in West Java, There was a big kingdom ruled by a man named Prabu Siliwangi. Prabu Siliwangi was known as a king that was wise. He has a queen and also some concubines. 

One day, his queens was pregnant and she was going to deliver a baby. Then, when the baby was born, she looked so beautiful. Prabu Siliwangi and his queen was so happy to have a very beautiful baby then he named the baby “Putri Lara Kadita”. Fortunately, the concubines felt so envy to the baby as the king now gave his attention to the queen and the baby more than he gave to them. The baby become more beautiful as she grew up and when she turned to be a girl, she became more beautiful even compared to her mother, the queen. The king then decided to make Putri Lara Kadita to be a heir apparent, the one that will rule the kingdom after the king.

Meanwhile, knowing that Putri Lara Kadita was chosen as the heir apparent by the king, the concubines’ hatred to Putri Lara Kadita became more and more. Now, they set a plan to get rid of Putri Lara Kadita. Afterwards, by using a black magic, they turned the beautiful face of Putri Lara to be a scary face. Not only the face of Putri Lara, they also put the black magic on the face of the queen. Then, because of that magic, the face of Putri and Queen emitted a foul odor and some disgusting liquid.

Then, because of that horrible condition, The King sent them out of the kingdom. The king said that if they stayed in the kingdom with that faces, they can bring a bad luck to the kingdom. Then the queen and Putri Lara Kadita left the kingdom. The wandered to nowhere, they didn’t know where to go. They just kept wandering. They always chose a lonely road as they felt shy if they had to meet people in the middle of the way. They were afraid to scare them. 

They had to survive in their loneliness. One day, the queen cannot bear her burden anymore, the disease in her face had taken her life. Since then, Putri Lara Kadita had to survive all alone. She had to bear the burden without having someone to share. Putri kept walking to the southward of the kingdom.

One day, Putri Lara fainted because she hadn’t eaten all day long. When she awoke from her blackout, she found herself in a place where she heard the sound of sea wave. The sound then make her enthusiastic to continue her journey. Then, after walking for a while, Putri saw a beautiful seashore ahead. The seashore had a big wave and big reefs. Then, Putri walked toward a reef and sit on the top of the reef as she had reached it.

When sitting on it, Putri was sleep and felt asleep. When she was sleeping, she had a dream. The dream showed Putri the way to cure her face and body from the disease. The dream told Putri to jump and sink herself on the sea if she wanted to be as beautiful again as before.

As Putri woke up from her sleep, then she tried to recall what she had dreamt. Then, after she recalled what the dream told her to do, Putri Lara jumped of the reef to the sea and sank herself on the water. When she did it, magically, all of the disease disappeared and she became as beautiful as before. Since that day, Putri lived in that sea and then she became the ruler of the sea and the southern Java area. Now she is known as Penguasa Pantai Selatan (The ruler of the south coast) or in Javanese she is called as ‘Nyi Roro Kidul.

Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.  

The Legend of Sura and Baya

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone... 

In here I will retell about the legend from Java Sea,  I think this legend is famous. If you never read. Let's read now. 

Once upon a time in the Java Sea, there lived two beasts were equally strong and arrogant. Both of these animals were a shark and a crocodile. Because they livee side by side, between the shark and the crocodile often had a fight for foods. Because they were equally strong, agile, and fierce, the fight continued for such a long time. There was no winner or loser, the fight always ended with draw. However, after countless fight they began to feel bored and tired. Realizing that the fight only caused injury, they made an agreement to divide the territory into two areas.

"Hi Crocs, I am tired fighting you,” The shark said.

"Well, me too, Shark. Then, what should we do to stop this fighting?" Crocodile asked.

"To prevent more fights between us, let’s divided this territory into two areas, the land belongs to you, the sea belongs to mine. I will hunt my prey only on the sea. You also do the same. We cannot enter the other territory. Then, as a limit, we first determine that the ground water that can be achieved when the tidal sea! " The shark proposed.

"Mmm, okay. That is great idea. I agree." Crocodile said.

With this agreement, for a while sharks and crocodiles never had fight anymore. Both agreed to respect each other territory. However, after several years, the shark’s main prey, the fish, were running out in the sea. They feared of the shark and most of them ran to the Brantas River. Realizing that, the shark secretly started looking for prey in the mouth of the Brantas River. Shark did not want the crocodile knew about this. If the crocodile knew, the agreement that they had made would be ruined. However, after several time the shark secretly entered the crocodile’s territory, the crocodile began to know it.

“Shark, how dare you come to my territory? This mouth of the Brantas River is mine. You do not have any authority to come here. You break the agreement that we have both agreed.” Shout the crocodile.

“What? Your territory? Excuse me, Mr. Crocodile. This mouth Brantas River is my territory. It is part of the sea. I do not break the agreement. But, you do. You enter my territory.” Replied the shark.

“I am not dumb, shark. River is part of the land. Your territory is in the sea. It means that the river is my territory.” Said the crocodile.

“Do you see this, dumb crocodile? The river is full of water so as the sea. It means this river is part of the sea. And it is also my territory.” Said the shark.

“Do not mess with me, Shark. You know what I capable of,” the crocodile threaten.

"So you want a fight. Well, come on then. I will protect what is mine. And this time I will win." The Shark replied.

The quarrels between the shark and the crocodile ended with a fierce fight. The fight this time was bigger the other fights that they had done. They both had still equal power. They bit, they hit, and they kicked each other. And in an instant, the river was turned to red because of their blood. They both were heavily wounded. The shark tail almost broke off, so as the crocodile’ tail. After few hours fighting, they stopped. The shark surrendered and returned to the sea. The crocodile stood still and felt satisfied because he could defend his territory. However, not long after that, they both died. They died because of severe injuries from former fight. And to remember the fight between the shark and the crocodile, the place where the great fight happened was named “Surabaya”. Surabaya was taken from word “Sura” means a shark, and “Baya” which means a crocodile.

Okey,  the short story is over. I hope can useful for the readers. 
Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

The Legend of Lahilote's Foot

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everybody

In here, I will retell about The Legend of Lahilote's foot on Pohe Beach. 
Have you read it?  If never,  let's read now. 

There is a man named Lahilote, he lives in the upper reaches of the river close to the spring in the province of Gorontalo. His job is to look for rattan in the forest. He worked diligently, and sold the rattan to the market. Rattan is one of the basic ingredients in making household equipment for the Gorontalos. Because many people need rattan, Lahilote works harder.
Lahilote hasn't had a wife yet, she hasn't put any heart on every woman who likes her. Already many parents have come and offered their children to marry Lahilote, but Lahilote rejected it well, he felt he had not found a suitable life partner.
One day, Lahilote went to look for rattan into the forest as usual, he departed with enthusiasm. And during this day Lahilote had gathered a lot of rattan, he felt tired and wanted to take a bath in the river. Lahilote went to the river bank not far from where he collected rattan. Arriving at the riverbank, he was shocked and unconsciously saw seven angels bathing in the river. He immediately moved away from the river bank. However, the voices of the angels were heard from afar, he was tempted to peek at the Angels who were bathing in the river. Lahilote unconsciously praised the beauty of the Angels, his heart trembled, he was eager to have an Angel's wife. Then Lahilote's evil intentions arose to steal a scarf (long cloth) belonging to one of the nymphs.

When they were taking a shower, Lahilote secretly took it. After the scarf (long cloth) was successfully obtained, he intended to hide somewhere. "Krotakkkk ...! Lahilote's feet step on dry and broken twigs. That voice caught the attention of the Angels. Seven nymphs just realized, it turns out there are people who peek at them bathing. Angels are very surprised.
"There are humans here. Let's go back to heaven soon, "said one of the Angels.
Angels flew straight to the sky, except for an Angel who lost his scarves (long cloth). The angel looks confused and embarrassed in front of Lahilote. The angel immediately explained the scarves (long cloth) that were missing. However, Lahilote lied and said that he did not know of the existence of the angel's scarves (long cloth). Then the angel cried, he did not expect to be left on earth forever. Lahilote tried to calm the Angel, and he offered a place to rest the Angel for a while. Angels receive help from Lahilote, Lahilote shouted inwardly. He was very happy, his desire to marry an Angel would soon be realized.     
Lahilote pretends to help look for a angel's (long cloth) shawl. For several months they both searched for the Angel's heritage, and during that process there had been a growing sense of love between Lahilote and the angel. They both love each other and are willing to live together. Both are married and live happily. After marriage, Lahilote worked harder to find rattan into the forest. While his beautiful wife is waiting at home. Then, one day while cleaning the house, he entered the warehouse behind the house. He thought that the room was very dirty, and he wanted to clean it. At that time, Lahilote's wife accidentally found a bamboo tube wrapped in leaves and tied to a rope. He was surprised when he opened the bamboo tube, because inside was a scarf (long cloth) that he had been searching for. He was very happy to have found it. However, he was angry because all this time that kept the shawl was his own husband.
At that moment he wore it and flew into the sky. He was disappointed with Lahilote because he had been lying all this time, he wanted to leave life on earth filled with human liars like her husband. He also promised not to return to earth. After arriving at Lahilote's house to find a tube in his bedroom, he remembered that he kept a scarf (long cloth) belonging to an angel there. Lahilote realized that the secret he had been hiding had been uncovered. He was very sad because his wife returned to the sky, he regretted lying to his wife. Lahilote tried to find a way so he could meet his wife in the sky and bring him back to earth, then Lahilote met an old man, the man held a magical rattan. "This rattan will help you get to the sky, bring this rattan and find your wife," said the old man.
With a happy heart, Lahilote flies to the sky by riding a magical rattan. Finally, Lahilote was able to meet his wife there. Lahilote apologized and he told the truth honestly about everything, because loving each other Angel would forgive Lahilote.
One day, when Lahilote was talking alone in the sky. Lahilote sat on a log, while his wife was busy looking for fleas on Lahilote's head. He was surprised to see gray hair in her husband's head. He remembered the rule that said someone who had gray hair should not be in the sky. Uban means to get closer to death. The sky is an eternal place, it is impossible for a dead creature to live in the sky. Lahilote asked about the reason that he should not stay in the sky, his wife replied, "What does it mean to love if you already have gray hair, what does it mean to a sky if you live in shadow."
Lahilote did not think that due to the very heavy regulation, he was very sad. Finally Lahilote was punished to be down to earth. Lahilote promised, "Until the dusk of my age, bounded by the beach of Pohe with the shroud, there my feet will be etched throughout the ages."
Lahilote down to earth. The soles of his feet are printed on Pohe Beach, Gorontalo. According to belief, the stone is Lahilote's foot which was wasted from the sky. Such is the story of Lahilote's foot stone originating from Gorontalo.     

Thank you.  

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

The Legend of Batu Kuwung

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone..

In here I will retell a legend that brings historical stories. 
Come on, read it.

Once upon a time there lived a wealthy man who had a very close relationship with the power of the Sultan of Hajj. son of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Because of this closeness, the person merchant (Saudagar) received a monopoly right to trade rice and pepper from Lampung. Apparently, the business was progressing rapidly.

Harnpir all agricultural land in the villages adjacent to the merchant's residence to be his. He bought these lands from farmers at low prices. Normally after the farmers were unable to repay the debt with large interest and had expired the Merchant.

In addition, the merchant was appointed as a village head in his residence. But he misused the power granted by asking for a tax higher than the required rate. Because of the wealth of his power, he became a very arrogant person and often acted arbitrarily.

The merchant is also very stingy. If there are people, others are affected and need help, he does not want to give assistance at all. He doesn't even want to get married even though he is 40 years old. For him. getting married and having children is a waste.

He lived a luxurious life, while the people around him were poor, almost all the villagers hated him. To protect his property and life, he had several personal guards.

One day in the village where the wealthy merchant lived, there was a magician disguised as a hungry beggar with disfigured legs. Previously, the Sakti people already knew about the bad nature of the merchant, because his badness had become a routine chatter of the population, in the market or coffee shop, he wanted to teach him a lesson and awaken the arrogant and miserly merchant.

The beggar was actually a magician, he tried to meet the merchant in his large and luxurious house. Beggars say the purpose of meeting them is to ask for a little food and a little wealth as venture capital.

But the merchant is indeed very miserly. Instead of giving, he instead scolded the Beggar.

"Basically despicable beggars, do you think the wealth that I have now just falls from the sky, huh ?! It's easy for you to beg me, you lazy man! "Said Merchant as he pushed Pengemis's leg with a disabled leg, so he fell to the ground.

Receiving such treatment, the Beggar warns that the Merchant will receive an appropriate reply for his actions.

"Hi, arrogant and miserly merchant, you must feel how hungry and miserable I am!" Said Beggar. After saying that, the Beggar immediately left without seeing Merchant again. Seeing the incident, Merchant was surprised.

The next day when the merchant woke up from sleep, he could not move his legs. With all his might he tried to move his legs, but still it couldn't. Merchant panicked, he shouted hysterically. His personal guards immediately came to hear the merchant's shout.

Merchant suffered paralysis in both legs. He ordered his personal bodyguard to look for a physician or magic person to treat his paralyzed legs. He promises very high rewards for anyone who can cure him.

However, even though there were many doctors who tried to treat, none of them succeeded. Therefore he promised to give half of his wealth to anyone who could cure him from paralysis.

Disabled legged beggar heard the promise. So he immediately came to see the merchant and explained what really caused the paralysis of his legs.

"All this happened because of your miserly and arrogant nature. In order for your feet to recover from paralysis you have to do three things. First, you must be able to change your arrogant and miserly nature.

Second, you must go to Mount Karang and look for a Concave Stone. Then be there for seven days and seven nights above the Concave Stone, without eating or drinking. And remember, whatever happens will not let you cancel everything you have to do.

Third, if your feet have healed as usual, you must fulfill your promise to give up half of the wealth to the poor people in your place of residence. " After saying so, the Beggar just left from the eyes of the Merchant's eyes. Merchants are aware that Beggars are not careless people.

Then the merchant departed using a stretcher carried by two of his personal guards, heading to Mount Karang. After days of traveling through the road surrounded by bushes and thick trees, finally the merchant arrived at Mount Karang and saw a Concave Stone that was meant by the Beggar.
Because the trip was very tiring and carried out without rest, the two merchants' personal guards fainted. Even though the Concave Stone is only a few dozen steps away.

Forced, the merchant crawled on the ground to reach the Concave Stone. Then he immediately meditated on it. For seven days and seven nights he endured hunger and thirst for not eating and drinking, he also had to endure various other temptations, such as wild animals and spirits that came to interfere.

On the last day he meditated, a miracle happened. From the center of the Concave Stone spurts out hot springs. Merchant immediately showered with hot springs from the Concave Stone. The miracle happened again, the legs that were originally paralyzed were now able to move again.

As promised, the Merchant must provide half of his wealth to the poor around his residence. The farmers in his village were given their own farm to be cultivated. He also married a beautiful girl, the son of a poor farmer, who attracted him. The villagers no longer hated him, he was later known as a generous merchant.

When someone comes to his house, Merchant tells, about the wonders of the hot spring of Batu Cekung at the foot of Mount Karang which can cure his leg paralysis. Now the story is widespread. Many people are interested in coming to him. He said, several other diseases can be cured when bathing with the sunken hot spring.

Now, people know it as a tourist attraction of the hot spring "Batu Kuwung" (which means sunken stone) which is located in the Padarincang District, Ciomas.

Because the trip was very tiring and carried out without rest, the two merchants' personal guards fainted. Even though the Concave Stone is only a few dozen steps away.

Forced, the merchant crawled on the ground to reach the Concave Stone. Then he immediately meditated on it. For seven days and seven nights he endured hunger and thirst for not eating and drinking, he also had to endure various other temptations, such as wild animals and spirits that came to interfere.

On the last day he meditated, a miracle happened. From the center of the Concave Stone spurts out hot springs. Merchant immediately showered with hot springs from the Concave Stone. The miracle happened again, the legs that were originally paralyzed were now able to move again.

As promised, the Merchant must provide half of his wealth to the poor around his residence. The farmers in his village were given their own farm to be cultivated. He also married a beautiful girl, the son of a poor farmer, who attracted him. The villagers no longer hated him, he was later known as a generous merchant.

When someone comes to his house, Merchant tells, about the wonders of the hot spring of Batu Kuwung at the foot of Mount Karang which can cure his leg paralysis. Now the story is widespread. Many people are interested in coming to him. He said, several other diseases can be cured when bathing with the sunken hot spring.

Now, people know it as a tourist attraction of the hot spring "Batu Kuwung" (which means sunken stone) which is located in the Padarincang District, Ciomas.

Okey,  the legend of Batu Kuwung is over, I hope can useful for the readers. 
Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

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