Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

The Legend of Coban Rondo

The Legend of  Coban Rondo

Once upon a time, there was a pair of new bride and bridegroom is perform marriage. Bride her name Dewi Anjarwati from Kawi Mountain is a marriage with Raden Kusuma from Anjasmoro Moutain.
After age their marriage reached thirty six day, Dewi Anjarwati invite for her husband visit to Anjasmoro Mountain. However, Dewi Anjarwati parent’s forbid bride and bridegroom go to Anjasmoro Mountain, because age their marriage new thirty six day. However, bride and bridegroom persist to went. Their go to Anjasmoro Mountain with all of them risk if to way. When in the way, both of them shocked with his arrive Joko Lelono is don’t clear his beginning. Visible Joko Lelono interesting with beauty Dewi Anjarwati and try to take by force. The battle cann’t spared to punokawan is their participate. Raden Baron Kusuma give a instruction in order that Dewi Anjarwati hidden in a place is a Coban (waterfall).
The battle perform utter a shout, the last same the fall. And than Dewi Anjarwati became widow. That since Coban place Dewi Anjarwati wait to her husband popular with called COBAN RONDO and big stone under waterfall is a seating position Dewi Anjarwati.

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