Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

The Legend of Lahilote's Foot

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everybody

In here, I will retell about The Legend of Lahilote's foot on Pohe Beach. 
Have you read it?  If never,  let's read now. 

There is a man named Lahilote, he lives in the upper reaches of the river close to the spring in the province of Gorontalo. His job is to look for rattan in the forest. He worked diligently, and sold the rattan to the market. Rattan is one of the basic ingredients in making household equipment for the Gorontalos. Because many people need rattan, Lahilote works harder.
Lahilote hasn't had a wife yet, she hasn't put any heart on every woman who likes her. Already many parents have come and offered their children to marry Lahilote, but Lahilote rejected it well, he felt he had not found a suitable life partner.
One day, Lahilote went to look for rattan into the forest as usual, he departed with enthusiasm. And during this day Lahilote had gathered a lot of rattan, he felt tired and wanted to take a bath in the river. Lahilote went to the river bank not far from where he collected rattan. Arriving at the riverbank, he was shocked and unconsciously saw seven angels bathing in the river. He immediately moved away from the river bank. However, the voices of the angels were heard from afar, he was tempted to peek at the Angels who were bathing in the river. Lahilote unconsciously praised the beauty of the Angels, his heart trembled, he was eager to have an Angel's wife. Then Lahilote's evil intentions arose to steal a scarf (long cloth) belonging to one of the nymphs.

When they were taking a shower, Lahilote secretly took it. After the scarf (long cloth) was successfully obtained, he intended to hide somewhere. "Krotakkkk ...! Lahilote's feet step on dry and broken twigs. That voice caught the attention of the Angels. Seven nymphs just realized, it turns out there are people who peek at them bathing. Angels are very surprised.
"There are humans here. Let's go back to heaven soon, "said one of the Angels.
Angels flew straight to the sky, except for an Angel who lost his scarves (long cloth). The angel looks confused and embarrassed in front of Lahilote. The angel immediately explained the scarves (long cloth) that were missing. However, Lahilote lied and said that he did not know of the existence of the angel's scarves (long cloth). Then the angel cried, he did not expect to be left on earth forever. Lahilote tried to calm the Angel, and he offered a place to rest the Angel for a while. Angels receive help from Lahilote, Lahilote shouted inwardly. He was very happy, his desire to marry an Angel would soon be realized.     
Lahilote pretends to help look for a angel's (long cloth) shawl. For several months they both searched for the Angel's heritage, and during that process there had been a growing sense of love between Lahilote and the angel. They both love each other and are willing to live together. Both are married and live happily. After marriage, Lahilote worked harder to find rattan into the forest. While his beautiful wife is waiting at home. Then, one day while cleaning the house, he entered the warehouse behind the house. He thought that the room was very dirty, and he wanted to clean it. At that time, Lahilote's wife accidentally found a bamboo tube wrapped in leaves and tied to a rope. He was surprised when he opened the bamboo tube, because inside was a scarf (long cloth) that he had been searching for. He was very happy to have found it. However, he was angry because all this time that kept the shawl was his own husband.
At that moment he wore it and flew into the sky. He was disappointed with Lahilote because he had been lying all this time, he wanted to leave life on earth filled with human liars like her husband. He also promised not to return to earth. After arriving at Lahilote's house to find a tube in his bedroom, he remembered that he kept a scarf (long cloth) belonging to an angel there. Lahilote realized that the secret he had been hiding had been uncovered. He was very sad because his wife returned to the sky, he regretted lying to his wife. Lahilote tried to find a way so he could meet his wife in the sky and bring him back to earth, then Lahilote met an old man, the man held a magical rattan. "This rattan will help you get to the sky, bring this rattan and find your wife," said the old man.
With a happy heart, Lahilote flies to the sky by riding a magical rattan. Finally, Lahilote was able to meet his wife there. Lahilote apologized and he told the truth honestly about everything, because loving each other Angel would forgive Lahilote.
One day, when Lahilote was talking alone in the sky. Lahilote sat on a log, while his wife was busy looking for fleas on Lahilote's head. He was surprised to see gray hair in her husband's head. He remembered the rule that said someone who had gray hair should not be in the sky. Uban means to get closer to death. The sky is an eternal place, it is impossible for a dead creature to live in the sky. Lahilote asked about the reason that he should not stay in the sky, his wife replied, "What does it mean to love if you already have gray hair, what does it mean to a sky if you live in shadow."
Lahilote did not think that due to the very heavy regulation, he was very sad. Finally Lahilote was punished to be down to earth. Lahilote promised, "Until the dusk of my age, bounded by the beach of Pohe with the shroud, there my feet will be etched throughout the ages."
Lahilote down to earth. The soles of his feet are printed on Pohe Beach, Gorontalo. According to belief, the stone is Lahilote's foot which was wasted from the sky. Such is the story of Lahilote's foot stone originating from Gorontalo.     

Thank you.  

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

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