Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

The Legend of Karang Bolong

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Hello everyone..😃

I will retell about the legend of Karang Borong.  Do you want to know? Okey, let's read now. 

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom of Kertasura. However, the king was so sad because his wife was in a terrible ill. The king would do anything to see his wife well again. He had called all physicians in his kingdom, but none of them were capable to cure the disease. The queen’s condition got worst day by day. She was so skinny and helpless.

The queen’s condition made the king worried so much. His anxiousness not only affected himself but also the people of the kingdom. The government was not running as it should be. When it came to the prosperity of the people of the kingdom, an advisor should take an action to advice the king to solve the problem. "My lord, I think it will be better if you find a quiet place to pray to the almighty God for the queen’s healthy. " said advisor to the palace.

The next day, the king left the palace and go to the quiet place to do a meditation. It was not easy since there were many temptations during the meditation. However, the king could surpass all of them. One night during his meditation the king heard a voice. “Stop your meditation. If you want to cure the queen, you must take a ‘flower reef’ in Pantai Selatan (Southern Beach of Java).” Later, the king immediately return to the palace and asked his advisor about the voice he heard. “Pantai Selatan is so spacious. However, I am sure the place that voice says is in Karang Bolong region. There are many caves in which coral reefs grow. I think, your majesty could find the ‘flower reef’ there,” said the advisor with confidence.

Not long after that, the king asked his loyal servent, Adipati Surti to go to Karang Bolong region to find the ‘flower reef”. Adipati Surti did not go alone. He was accompanied by two loyal companions, Sanglar and Sanglur. After a few days of walking, they finally arrived in Karang Bolong region. In there, they found a cave. Adipati Surti immediately do meditation in the cave. After several days, Adipati Surti heard someone's voice. "Stop your meditation. I will grant your wish, but you must first meet my terms." Adipati Surti opened his eyes, and saw a beautiful girl like a goddess from heaven in front of him. The beautiful girl named Suryawati. She was a massager of Nyi Loro Kidul, a master of the southern sea.

The term that proposed by Surawati was that Adipati Surti must be willing to stay with her in the Southern Sea with her. After long thought, Adipati Surti agreed Suryawati’s terms. Shortly after that, Suryawati took Adipati Surti’s hand to show where ‘flower reef’ was. When Adipati Surti’s hand touched Suryawati’s, Adipati Surti felt his soul flew away with Suryawati while their body stayed still in the ground.

“Those are the ‘reef flower’,” said Suryawati pointing at swallow nests. “You can cure the queen’s illness by consuming those ‘reef flowers’ as herb,” Suryawati explained. After his soul back to his body, Adipati Surti immediately took quite a lot of swallow’s nests. After that, he was back to the palace with his two servants.

In the palace, the king was very happy to see Adipati Surti returned with herbs that could help his queen. Adipati Surti told everything about what happened to him and how to cure queen’s illness. After consuming swallow’ nests for several day, the queen began to regain her health. The king was so happy that he intended to give everything that Adipati Surti asked. However, Adipati Surti remembered his promise to Suryawati. He did not want to break a promise. Adipati Surti thanked the king about everything, but he must go back to Karang Bolong as he promised.

The king is sad that he could not repay Adipati Surti’s debt of bringing his queen back. Adipati Surti also was a good, humble, and loyal. However, the king must let Adipati Surti go. Sanglar and Sanglur also wanted to go too. They did not want to see their master go alone. Again Adipati Surti and his two loyal servants went to Karang Bolong region once more. As they arrived at Karang Bolong, they made a simple house. Onceit was completed, Adipati Surti meditated. Not long after that, his soul separated from the body and met Suryawati. "I came back to fulfill my promise," said Adipati Surti. Then, Adipati Surti and Suryawti married and lived happily in Karang Bolong.

Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 

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