Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

How to Build a Culture Literacy


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys...

Now, I will give you steps about “How to Build a Culture Literacy.” 
Let’s read now and apply!.

Hasil gambar untuk gambar literasi

Literacy is a person’s ability to use potential and skills in processing and understanding information while carrying out reading and writing activities.
Following are 7 ways to build a culture literacy :

1. Grow Awareness on the Importance of Reading

Awareness of the benefits is very important so that children like to read. Reading hobbies have many advantages. By reading, you will get more and more comprehensive information. Reading is also very effective for memory recall. Some experts say reading keeps us from dementia – damage to the nervous system, on of the effects of which is memory loss.
Growing awareness of reading can be started from the family. Fro example, parents provide reading books at home. This of course is offset by the willingness of parents to set aside money to buy books. This is where the role of parents is very necessary to build a culture of literacy.

2. Cultivate Reading in School

Schools are a means of formal education. Therefore, schools can be used as a place to cultivate reading. This is closely related to the role of teachers in implementing literacy-based learning. The teacher presents sufficient material, students who develop. The teacher's job is to guide the students' work to be right. Learning Indonesian is very suitable for getting used to literacy because there are basic competencies in reading and writing. Even so, all subjects can still be integrated with the reading culture.

3    3. Optimize the Role of the Library
The role of the library is also very important to improve the literacy movement. The library is a warehouse for books, while the book is a source of reading and writing. The thing that needs to be improved mow is to maximize the role of the library to build a culture of literacy.
For Example : For example, adding a collection of books, improving library order, or adding hours to visits. All these efforts were made so that the library became an interesting place to visit. The library must be optimized not only in schools, but also in the regions.

4. Get used to prizes in the form of books
One of the things that can be accustomed to creating a culture of literacy is to get used to giving books as gifts. For example, when your friend's birthday, or just a gift for a dear friend or person. That way, you indirectly invite friends to read.

5    5. Form a Reading Community
The reading community is an association of people who love reading. Do you have it? Or maybe you have friends who both love reading. You can form a community to discuss the book you just read. The community is also useful so that you have the latest references about the books you like.

6    6.  Get used to Writing a Diary
Literacy is not only reading, but continued by writing. Refraction of writing can begin with a diary. In the current era, it can be started by writing a blog. Writing is preceded by reading because both are continuous language skills. Therefore, people who are skilled at writing are usually good readers.

7    7.  Appreciation Writing
The next step to building a literacy culture is to appreciation writing. By appreciating it, it means you support a culture of academic writing that grows well in our country. The birth of brilliant ideas to overcome the nation's problems was born from a scientific writing.The writing is obtained through research so that it is relevant to be applied to overcome the problem. Appreciating writing is one step to advance literacy culture in Indonesia.
In the present, children are more familiar with cellphones than books. Various games and social media offered are indeed very interesting. However, reading and writing is also interesting if it is used early.

I hope the article can useful for the readers.
Thank you. 

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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