Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everybody...
Curious about the story of Bunga Kemuning? How can it be called "Bunga Kemuning"
if you haven't read before, let's read now!
At one time, ten beautiful princesses lived. Their mother died long ago and their father, so busy with his royal affairs that they barely had time to gather together. As a result, these daughters became naughty and spoiled, except the youngest daughter, Putri Kuning. They give names with color names. There Putri Jambon, Putri Hijau, Putri Merah Merona, Putri Nila and others. Her mother used to hope that her children would give many colors in this life. However, her mother is now dead so she does not have the opportunity to educate them properly.
These ten princesses always wear clothes and jewelry that are the same as their names. Putri Merah always wears red, and so do the other daughters.
While her siblings were lazy and made trouble, the Yellow daughter spent time helping the servants' work, reading books, and caring for her favorite flower garden. His brothers often taunted him.
One day the king must go to a neighboring country across the sea. He deliberately gathered his daughters that night to say goodbye.
All the girls scramble to mention their requests, only Yellow's daughter was silent and only prayed for her father to come home safely.
After the king left, the sisters of the yellow princess were getting lazy. Their daily activities are just dressing up, eating and playing. He made the servants busy serving them.
Meanwhile Yellow's daughter spends her time caring for the palace's flower garden which is her father's favorite place. Indeed, so busy the palace servants served the wishes of his brothers, the palace garden became neglected.
"Wow, we have a new servant!" Shouted Nila's daughter, pointing to Yellow's daughter.
"Hey maid, later when it's done, all clean my room hahahaha ..." shouted the green princess.
The nine brothers laughed ridiculously so that their stomachs ached.
"Ah, I'm bored! It's more fun if we walk outside the palace rather than watching those good-looking people! ”Asked Nila's daughter who was immediately approved by the others.
They left Yellow's daughter who could only shake her head to see the behavior of all her sisters. Finally a month later their father came home carrying the souvenir they were waiting for. They are busy looking for their orders, and only the yellow princess remembers saying welcome and hugging her father.
"My child, forgive your father, son! I can't find yellow jewelry for you. Only this green gem necklace that you bought for you, "said the king.
"Father. Father's safety is far more important than souvenirs. Moreover, this necklace is also good and harmonious with my yellow clothes," replied the Yellow princess while kissing her father's forehead with affection.
The next day the ten princesses gathered. The green princess suddenly realized that Yellow's daughter was wearing a green necklace.
Putri Hijau was unhappy and felt she had the right to have the green necklace, so she instigated another brother.
Secretly they arrested Yellow's daughter while in the palace garden and tortured her. Inadvertently one of the daughters hit Yellow's daughter's head so hard that the yellow daughter died. They are all confused and scared. Finally Jambon's daughter decided to bury the Yellow daughter before her death was known to someone else. Putri Kuning was buried in the middle of the palace flower garden. His green necklace was buried because his father must have suspected that the Green princess was wearing it.
The king was surprised, because this day he had not seen the Yellow daughter who usually accompanied him if he had finished with his royal duties. The king had searched his room, to the palace garden, to the lake, but Yellow's daughter remained invisible. He told the servants to look for him. But for months Putri Kuning was not found. While his siblings claimed to not know about the disappearance of their younger siblings. The king was very sad to lose his beloved daughter.
One day when the king was pensive in the palace garden, he saw a new plant in the middle of his garden.
The leaves are round and green like my daughter's necklace. The flowers are also yellowish and very fragrant. This flower reminds me of my lost daughter.
"I will name this flower the Yellow Flower," said the king.
This flower still grows in the palace garden and accompanies the king until the end of his life. The fragrant flowers are often used to scent hair. The stem can be used to make beautiful boxes and the skin is used to make powder. Like the Yellow princess, yellow flowers also always provide good for those around them.
Okey guys, short story about "Bunga Kemuning" is over.
How the readers? Useful yess..?😃
Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Selasa, 26 Februari 2019
Legend of Lake Batur
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone..!
In here I will tell you about the legend of Lake Batur, if you have never read and understood its origin, let's read it now. Understand begins with a reading culture.
Anciently lived a husband and wife in Bali, both don't have children. They always prayed for God. Their prayers and requests were finally granted by God, and his wife conceived and then gave birth to a baby boy. The baby boy grew quickly, he had a strong appetite, his appetite was equivalent to ten adults, very large body and the more his appetite increased, he was given the name Kebo Iwa which means "Paman Kerbau".
Kebo Iwa's body grew bigger. One day his food needs were the same as the needs of one hundred adults. His parents really had trouble fulfilling Kebo Iwa's desire to eat. Kebo Iwa is famous for being angry. If he is angry, it will damage everything he meets, he used to damage the homes of residents, even the place of worship was destroyed. The residents were very scared when they saw Kebo Iwa angry.
But Kebo Iwa was also willing to help villagers who needed assistance in their labor, he was willing to make wells, move houses, level the land, and transport large stones, and he asked for compensation in the form of eating in sufficient quantities. The residents became very worried about the food ingredients that could be given to Kebo Iwa, if he gets enough food, he will be quiet. One day the villagers planned and made away to deal with Kebo Iwa. Villagers finally found a way to realize their plans. The residents worked together to gather food little by little to become Kebo Iwa's meal. Some people also worked together to collect limestone. After everything was ready, the village chief and several residents immediately met Kebo Iwa. Hearing that there was a lof of food, Kebo Iwa immediately agreed to the request of the residents.
The residents requested that a large well be made. Kebo Iwa immediately agreed and started working, he built several houses as desired by the village head. Meanwhile, the villagers collected limestone near the place Kebo Iwa was digging the ground. Knowing this, Kebo Iwa was surprised, the residents said that they would make a big house which would require a lot of limestone. Kebo Iwa felt very happy, and the water in the well made by Kebo Iwa began to radiate out until a large pond was created. The village chief kept asking him to dig the soil so that the wells grew bigger and deeper. Kebo Iwa continued to work until he was exhausted and starving. The villagers came to bring food to Kebo Iwa, Kebo Iwa ate heartily, after eating Kebo Iwa fell asleep. Seeing Kebo Iwa asleep, the village chief ordered all residents to throw limestone into a hole made by Kebo Iwa. The more water emanating from the ground and the more limestone is put into the pit. finally Kebo Iwa's nose became blocked and he woke up. The water gushed more and more, and limestone continued to be thrown. Even though Kebo Iwa had very strong energy, Kebo Iwa was helpless, finally Kebo Iwa breathed his last breath in a large excavation hole. The water continued to radiate until it passed and flooded the village. A large lake was finally created. the lake is called Lake Batur. The pile of land around the lake then turns into a mountain and is called Batur Mountain.
The legend of Lake Batur is over, I hope can useful and add increase for the readers.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone..!
In here I will tell you about the legend of Lake Batur, if you have never read and understood its origin, let's read it now. Understand begins with a reading culture.
Anciently lived a husband and wife in Bali, both don't have children. They always prayed for God. Their prayers and requests were finally granted by God, and his wife conceived and then gave birth to a baby boy. The baby boy grew quickly, he had a strong appetite, his appetite was equivalent to ten adults, very large body and the more his appetite increased, he was given the name Kebo Iwa which means "Paman Kerbau".
Kebo Iwa's body grew bigger. One day his food needs were the same as the needs of one hundred adults. His parents really had trouble fulfilling Kebo Iwa's desire to eat. Kebo Iwa is famous for being angry. If he is angry, it will damage everything he meets, he used to damage the homes of residents, even the place of worship was destroyed. The residents were very scared when they saw Kebo Iwa angry.
But Kebo Iwa was also willing to help villagers who needed assistance in their labor, he was willing to make wells, move houses, level the land, and transport large stones, and he asked for compensation in the form of eating in sufficient quantities. The residents became very worried about the food ingredients that could be given to Kebo Iwa, if he gets enough food, he will be quiet. One day the villagers planned and made away to deal with Kebo Iwa. Villagers finally found a way to realize their plans. The residents worked together to gather food little by little to become Kebo Iwa's meal. Some people also worked together to collect limestone. After everything was ready, the village chief and several residents immediately met Kebo Iwa. Hearing that there was a lof of food, Kebo Iwa immediately agreed to the request of the residents.
The residents requested that a large well be made. Kebo Iwa immediately agreed and started working, he built several houses as desired by the village head. Meanwhile, the villagers collected limestone near the place Kebo Iwa was digging the ground. Knowing this, Kebo Iwa was surprised, the residents said that they would make a big house which would require a lot of limestone. Kebo Iwa felt very happy, and the water in the well made by Kebo Iwa began to radiate out until a large pond was created. The village chief kept asking him to dig the soil so that the wells grew bigger and deeper. Kebo Iwa continued to work until he was exhausted and starving. The villagers came to bring food to Kebo Iwa, Kebo Iwa ate heartily, after eating Kebo Iwa fell asleep. Seeing Kebo Iwa asleep, the village chief ordered all residents to throw limestone into a hole made by Kebo Iwa. The more water emanating from the ground and the more limestone is put into the pit. finally Kebo Iwa's nose became blocked and he woke up. The water gushed more and more, and limestone continued to be thrown. Even though Kebo Iwa had very strong energy, Kebo Iwa was helpless, finally Kebo Iwa breathed his last breath in a large excavation hole. The water continued to radiate until it passed and flooded the village. A large lake was finally created. the lake is called Lake Batur. The pile of land around the lake then turns into a mountain and is called Batur Mountain.
The legend of Lake Batur is over, I hope can useful and add increase for the readers.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Legend of Telaga Warna
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I will tell you about Telaga Warna. If you want, please read below.
Happy reading everyone!
Long ago there was a kingdom in West Java named Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan is a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. The people live in peace and prosperity because they are led by a wise king. King Kutatanggeuhan named King Suwartalaya and his empress named Queen Purbamanah. But King and Queen have not been blessed with offspring so they always feel lonely.
Finally the King decided to meditate on the mountain. That's where he meditated in Goa, after days of King Suwartalaya praying, one day suddenly there was a magical voice.
After that, King Suwartalaya returned home happily. Sure enough a few weeks later, the Queen was pregnant. Everyone rejoices. Moreover, when nine months later the Queen gave birth to a beautiful daughter. He was given the name is Princess Gilang Rukmini. King Suwartalaya has a festive party to celebrate the birth of their daughter. Princess Gilang Rukmini became the favorite daughter of the people of Kutatanggeuhan.
A few years have passed, Gilang Rukmini's daughter grew into a beautiful girl. But Gilang Rukmini's daughter is very spoiled, maybe because King and Queen really spoiled her. Whatever is requested by the princess must be followed immediately. Otherwise the princess will be very angry and act harshly. But the people still love him. They hope that one day the nature of the princess will change by itself.
One day when seventeen-year-old daughter King Suwartalaya will hold a thanks giving party in the palace. All people may come and give prayers for Gilang Rukmini's daughter. People gather and plan special gifts for their beloved daughter. Finally it was agreed that they would present a very beautiful necklace. The necklace is made of the finest gold and sprinkled with colorful gems. So the people voluntarily set aside their money and collect it for the cost of making the prize.
Finally the long-awaited day came too. Crowded people came to the palace courtyard where Gilang Rukmini's daughter's birthday party was held. In front of the palace stood a magnificent stage.
Now is the time for the people to present their special gifts. They gave the box containing the gift to Gilang Rukmini's daughter. King Suwartalaya opened the box and took out a colorful necklace that was very beautiful and gave it to Gilang Rukmini's daughter. But Gilang's daughter Rukmini looked at the necklace with a frown and thought that the necklace was cheap.
He slammed the necklace to the floor until it was broken. King Suwartalaya, Queen Purbamanah and the people of Kutatanggeuhan were very sad to see that incident. Then the cry of the Queen of Purbamanah broke. Finally all of them shed tears, until the palace was wet with their tears. They kept crying until their tears flooded the palace, and suddenly from the ground there was heavy water, more and more and more. Until finally the Kutatanggeuhan kingdom sank and a beautiful lake was created. Now the lake is called Telaga Warna, because if it's a sunny day, the lake looks beautiful and colorful.
Okey, the short story about Telaga Warna is over, I hope that it can be useful for readers and can increase knowledge.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Minggu, 24 Februari 2019
The Legend of Rawa Pening
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello everyone, in this blog I want to tell you about The Legend of Rawa Pening, let's read now.
Hello everyone, in this blog I want to tell you about The Legend of Rawa Pening, let's read now.
A long time ago in the village of Ngasem there lived a married couple named Ki Hajar and Nyai Selakanta, both of whom were known to be generous and helpful. However, they haven't had children for a long time. One day Nyai Selakanta felt lonely because she hoped that at home she could hear a baby crying, seeing the condition of his wife Ki Hajar unable to hold back her tears, to fulfill his wife's wishes, Ki Hajar will go to meditate to God. The next day Ki Hajar left for the slopes of Telomoyo Mountain, now Nyai Selakanta is only alone at home with his heart lonely, patiently Nyai Selakanta faithfully waits for her husband's arrival. One day Nyai Selakanta felt nauseous and vomited, she thought she was pregnant, the more days his stomach grew, after the time came, she gave birth, how surprised she was to give birth to a child not a human but a dragon, Nyai Selakanta gave him the name Baru Klinting.
Even though it was a dragon, Baru Klinting could speak like a human, Nyai Selakanta was surprised to see that miracle. She took care of Baru Klinting by hiding so that the people did not know it. One day when Baru Klinting was grown up, Nyai Selakanta told Baru Klinting that his father was meditating on the slopes of Telomoyo Mountain, and his mother told Baru Klinting to look for his father. After that, Baru Klinting begged for his blessing and received a spear heir from his mother, Baru Klinting went straight to the slopes of Telomoyo Mountain, when there was Baru Klinting seeing a man imprisoned.Then Ki Hajar asked Baru Klinting, hearing the answer from Baru Klinting, Ki Hajar did not believe that if he had a child in the form of a dragon, when Baru Klinting showed the inheritance given by his mother, Ki Hajar began to believe, but he was not fully convinced. Ki Hajar told Baru Klinting to circle Telomoyo Mountain, Baru Klinting immediately carried out the order, to make his father convinced. With his miracle, Baru Klinting managed to circle Telomoyo Mountain. Finnally Ki Hajar admitted that the dragon was his child. Ki Hajar told Baru Klinting to meditate on Tugur Hill, so that one day his body would turn into a human. Meanwhile, in a village called Pathok, at that time the residents held a village clean event, to enliven the event, a party will be held, with various art and dance performances. Residents were crowded to hunt animals on Tugur Hill to make a party. The residents suddenly saw a dragon being imprisoned, they tried to catch and cut the meat, then they cooked to make a dish. when the residents were enjoying a party, suddenly there was a boy whose body was full of wounds which caused a fishy smell. It seems, the boy was the incarnation of Baru Klinting, because of starvation, the boy joined the party but no one of them wanted to feed him, instead cursing him and driving him away. He walked slowly and staggered to leave the village. In the middle of the trip he met an old widow named Nyi Lantung, a kind person and invited Baru Klinting to his house. The grandmother immediately served delicious food, Baru Klinting realized that there were still good people in the village. Baru Klinting returned to the party with a stick, in the middle of a party crowd, he stuck the stick into the ground. Baru Klinting told residents to revoke it if they felt great, but no one who succeeded in pulling out the stick, with his supernatural power, Baru Klinting immediately pulled out the stick. After the sticks were pulled out, a roar rattled the entire village. A few moments later, water gushed out from the former plug. the water grew so much that there was a flood. All residents tried to save themselves, but their efforts were too late, the water managed to drown them. Immediately, the village turned into a swamp or lake and was known as Rawa Pening.
Alhamdulillah, the short story about Rawa Pening is over. I hope will be useful for anyone who read this.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Minggu, 17 Februari 2019
Short story the Kidang Crater
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello friends, in this blog I want to tell you about The origin of the Kidang Crater. Let's read now!
"The origin of the Kidang Crater"
In ancient times in the Dieng region there was a magnificent and beautiful kingdom, which was inhabited by a daughter Shinta Dewi. Shinta Dewi is a person who is famous for her beauty. But until now no young man had dared to come forward to propose his marriage to Shinta Dewi.
At that time Shinta Dewi heard of a prince who was very rich and powerful, the prince was famous for all the luxuries he had. The prince was named Kidang Garungan.
One day Princess Shinta Dewi accepted the marriage from Prince Kidang Garungan and asked to come to the Dieng Royal Palace to discuss her marriage Pangeran Kidang Garungan started to prepare for Dieng after hearing his Marriage received by Shinta Dewi. On the appointed day depart Prince Kidang Garungan by riding a beautiful gold-plated train by bringing a variety of beautiful gifts that have been prepared to be given to Shinta Dewi, and also accompanied by bodyguards. Like wise Shinta Dewi's daughter has made a preparatory reception. The Kingdom Palace has been decorated with a variety of decorations that make a view. Various entertainment, food and drinks are ready to wait for the rich and powerful Prince to come. But how shocked Shinta Dewi is after meeting the prince. A handsome prince, but Prince Kidang Garungan's head resembles a male antelope's head. In the heart of Shinta Dewi immediately stated her refusal to become a Prince's wife. Finally the Princess submitted a condition to the Prince, and the condition the Prince had to make a large and deep well, and he must do it himself. Prince was surprised to hear the request of his future wife. but he could accept Putri's request after his future wife explained if they would use the well water to take a bath together. The prince accepted the condition without wasting time, he immediately worked with his magic. He immediately created a large and deep hole. Both his strong and sturdy hands continued to dig hard ground, not long after, the well was almost finished. Putri is surprised to see the prince's ability to quickly complete the well. She was very scared and tried to thwart the prince's effort. When he saw the prince still in a big hole, Shita Dewi ordered the soldiers to close the hole with the ground. The prince immediately got angry when he started to get buried in the ground. He knew that all of that was the plan of Shinta Dewi. He also released his power to penetrate the ground, then a big explosion occurred when the prince came out of the pile of land. Before the prince's body came out of the hole Putri ordered all the soldiers to hoard a hole with the ground. The Prince keeps on trying to get out of the pile of land. even though the prince tried hard he still couldn't get out of the hole. Prince immediately issued his curse vow, "Shinta Dewi! Because of your bad behavior then all your children and descendants will have dreadlocks!". The well exploded to make the ground vibrate and the surface felt hot. And finally it was named Si Kidang Crater.
Alhamdulillah, the short story about The origin of the Kidang Crater is over. I hope will be useful for anyone who read this. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019
"The President's myth is afraid of entering the Kediri region"
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog, by the way, in this blog I will tell you about the myth of the Indonesian President who did not dare to go through the City of Kediri. Have you heard this story before? If you haven't been able to read it, let's read it now.
So far the city of Kediri is considered to be an area that is "wingit" which may not be visited by Indonesian leaders. this has happened from six presidents in power in Indonesia. however, only two presidents dared to come to Kediri, namely Soekarno and Gus Dur, and both were finally dropped from the presidency by political means. The thing that made the "wingit" of the city of Kediri was caused by the curse of Kartikea Singha, the husband of Queen Shima who was also the ruler of the kingdom of Kalingga in the 6th century which was in Keling Kepung, Kediri Regency.
The curse is quite clear "Who is the head of state and is not truly holy, he will enter the territory of the city of Kediri, he will fall". Actually it depends on the belief to enter the Daha region (Kediri city), but most do not dare to enter the Kediri city area.
Queen Shima from Jepara or known as North Kalingga, while her husband Kartikea Singha comes from Keling Kepung Kediri, also known as South Kalingga. In the history of the archipelago, in the Keling area, Kepung has experienced a period of glory in the last period of Majapahit, and the kingdom experienced disintegration, and the ruler of Kediri rose again in 1474 and succeeded in overthrowing the Majapahit kingdom. When Indonesia gained independence from colonialism in 1945 besides Soekarno and Gus Dur who dared to enter the Kediri City area, others on average were only represented to their vice presidents, on average the president of the Republic of Indonesia does not dare to enter the territory of government.
Ki Tuwu is one of the historical observers of the City of Kediri who is also a paranormal, stating that Kediri is a city of "wingit" which is because "The message of Kartikea Singha is still valid in the city of Kediri". not only that, if there are officials in the city of Kediri who are not pure and dare to bring property from the city of Kediri in a way that is not lawful then he will leave the city of Kediri by not having anything.
Okay, now the story has over, believe it or not, all that happened was of course the will and permission of God.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog, by the way, in this blog I will tell you about the myth of the Indonesian President who did not dare to go through the City of Kediri. Have you heard this story before? If you haven't been able to read it, let's read it now.
So far the city of Kediri is considered to be an area that is "wingit" which may not be visited by Indonesian leaders. this has happened from six presidents in power in Indonesia. however, only two presidents dared to come to Kediri, namely Soekarno and Gus Dur, and both were finally dropped from the presidency by political means. The thing that made the "wingit" of the city of Kediri was caused by the curse of Kartikea Singha, the husband of Queen Shima who was also the ruler of the kingdom of Kalingga in the 6th century which was in Keling Kepung, Kediri Regency.
The curse is quite clear "Who is the head of state and is not truly holy, he will enter the territory of the city of Kediri, he will fall". Actually it depends on the belief to enter the Daha region (Kediri city), but most do not dare to enter the Kediri city area.
Queen Shima from Jepara or known as North Kalingga, while her husband Kartikea Singha comes from Keling Kepung Kediri, also known as South Kalingga. In the history of the archipelago, in the Keling area, Kepung has experienced a period of glory in the last period of Majapahit, and the kingdom experienced disintegration, and the ruler of Kediri rose again in 1474 and succeeded in overthrowing the Majapahit kingdom. When Indonesia gained independence from colonialism in 1945 besides Soekarno and Gus Dur who dared to enter the Kediri City area, others on average were only represented to their vice presidents, on average the president of the Republic of Indonesia does not dare to enter the territory of government.
Ki Tuwu is one of the historical observers of the City of Kediri who is also a paranormal, stating that Kediri is a city of "wingit" which is because "The message of Kartikea Singha is still valid in the city of Kediri". not only that, if there are officials in the city of Kediri who are not pure and dare to bring property from the city of Kediri in a way that is not lawful then he will leave the city of Kediri by not having anything.
Okay, now the story has over, believe it or not, all that happened was of course the will and permission of God.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Kamis, 14 Februari 2019
Bali Srait Legend
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys, welcome
back to my blog I want to tell you about Legend of Bali Strait. Do you ever
read Bali Strait Legend? If you never read, let’s read now!
Strait Legend
Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Daha, there
lived a Brahmana Begawan Sidi Mantra, he has supernatural powers, from his
marriage he has a son named Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran is a strong, smart
young man, but he has bad habit, he like to gamble and spend his father’s
One day when Begawan Sidi Mantra prayed to the Gods, he
suddenly heard a voice telling him to meet a dragon at Agung Mountain. The
dragon is called Naga Besuki, then Sidi Mantra went to Agung Mountain, Begawan
Sidi Mantra said a prayer and rang the bell, not long after Naga Besuki came
out and gave the jewelries. Begawan Sidi Mantra returned to his house to meet
Manik Angkeran and Sidi Mantra got advice from Naga Besuki not to let his son to
gamble again. Then Sidi Mantra advised Manik Angkeran not to spend his father’s
money again. Manik Angkeran agreed, but at that time also Manik Angkeran still
wanted to spend his father’s money because he heard that his father got jewelries
from the dragon in Agung Mountain, he also stole his father’s bell, then he
went to the Agung Mountain. Manik Angkeran asked that Naga Besuki give him
jewelries, then Naga Besuki agreed and will give him jewelries, but with
requirement not used for gamble again. After take the jewelries, Manik Angkeran
has a bad idea to cut the dragon’s tail with the aim so that he can get the
jewelries that comes out of the dragon. Naga Besuki became angry and with his
strength he killed the Manik Angkeran and burns it to ashes. Begawan Sidi
Mantra was very sad to hear that his son had died and he asked the Naga Besuki
to bring his son back to life. Naga Besuki agree but they must be in a
different place. After a few moments Manik Angkeran went back to life, then
Begawan Sidi Mantra used a stick to make an outline on a separate ground with
Manik Angkeran, and the line of water flows and gets bigger and finally from
the water becomes the strait that separated Java and Bali. Now, and named the
Bali Strait.
Okay, the legend of
Bali Strait is over. I hope will be useful for anyone who read this blog. Thank
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