Kamis, 14 Februari 2019

Bali Srait Legend

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog I want to tell you about Legend of Bali Strait. Do you ever read Bali Strait Legend? If you never read, let’s read now!

Bali Strait Legend
            Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Daha, there lived a Brahmana Begawan Sidi Mantra, he has supernatural powers, from his marriage he has a son named Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran is a strong, smart young man, but he has bad habit, he like to gamble and spend his father’s money.
            One day when Begawan Sidi Mantra prayed to the Gods, he suddenly heard a voice telling him to meet a dragon at Agung Mountain. The dragon is called Naga Besuki, then Sidi Mantra went to Agung Mountain, Begawan Sidi Mantra said a prayer and rang the bell, not long after Naga Besuki came out and gave the jewelries. Begawan Sidi Mantra returned to his house to meet Manik Angkeran and Sidi Mantra got advice from Naga Besuki not to let his son to gamble again. Then Sidi Mantra advised Manik Angkeran not to spend his father’s money again. Manik Angkeran agreed, but at that time also Manik Angkeran still wanted to spend his father’s money because he heard that his father got jewelries from the dragon in Agung Mountain, he also stole his father’s bell, then he went to the Agung Mountain. Manik Angkeran asked that Naga Besuki give him jewelries, then Naga Besuki agreed and will give him jewelries, but with requirement not used for gamble again. After take the jewelries, Manik Angkeran has a bad idea to cut the dragon’s tail with the aim so that he can get the jewelries that comes out of the dragon. Naga Besuki became angry and with his strength he killed the Manik Angkeran and burns it to ashes. Begawan Sidi Mantra was very sad to hear that his son had died and he asked the Naga Besuki to bring his son back to life. Naga Besuki agree but they must be in a different place. After a few moments Manik Angkeran went back to life, then Begawan Sidi Mantra used a stick to make an outline on a separate ground with Manik Angkeran, and the line of water flows and gets bigger and finally from the water becomes the strait that separated Java and Bali. Now, and named the Bali Strait.

Okay, the legend of Bali Strait is over. I hope will be useful for anyone who read this blog. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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