Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

Short Story "Yellow Flowers"

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello everybody...
Curious about the story of Bunga Kemuning? How can it be called "Bunga Kemuning"
if you haven't read before, let's read now!

At one time, ten beautiful princesses lived. Their mother died long ago and their father, so busy with his royal affairs that they barely had time to gather together. As a result, these daughters became naughty and spoiled, except the youngest daughter, Putri Kuning. They give names with color names. There Putri Jambon, Putri Hijau, Putri Merah Merona, Putri Nila and others. Her mother used to hope that her children would give many colors in this life. However, her mother is now dead so she does not have the opportunity to educate them properly.
These ten princesses always wear clothes and jewelry that are the same as their names. Putri Merah always wears red, and so do the other daughters.

While her siblings were lazy and made trouble, the Yellow daughter spent time helping the servants' work, reading books, and caring for her favorite flower garden. His brothers often taunted him.
One day the king must go to a neighboring country across the sea. He deliberately gathered his daughters that night to say goodbye.
All the girls scramble to mention their requests, only Yellow's daughter was silent and only prayed for her father to come home safely.

After the king left, the sisters of the yellow princess were getting lazy. Their daily activities are just dressing up, eating and playing. He made the servants busy serving them.

Meanwhile Yellow's daughter spends her time caring for the palace's flower garden which is her father's favorite place. Indeed, so busy the palace servants served the wishes of his brothers, the palace garden became neglected.

"Wow, we have a new servant!" Shouted Nila's daughter, pointing to Yellow's daughter.
"Hey maid, later when it's done, all clean my room hahahaha ..." shouted the green princess.
The nine brothers laughed ridiculously so that their stomachs ached.
"Ah, I'm bored! It's more fun if we walk outside the palace rather than watching those good-looking people! ”Asked Nila's daughter who was immediately approved by the others.

They left Yellow's daughter who could only shake her head to see the behavior of all her sisters. Finally a month later their father came home carrying the souvenir they were waiting for. They are busy looking for their orders, and only the yellow princess remembers saying welcome and hugging her father.
"My child, forgive your father, son! I can't find yellow jewelry for you. Only this green gem necklace that you bought for you, "said the king.
"Father. Father's safety is far more important than souvenirs. Moreover, this necklace is also good and harmonious with my yellow clothes," replied the Yellow princess while kissing her father's forehead with affection.

The next day the ten princesses gathered. The green princess suddenly realized that Yellow's daughter was wearing a green necklace.
Putri Hijau was unhappy and felt she had the right to have the green necklace, so she instigated another brother.
Secretly they arrested Yellow's daughter while in the palace garden and tortured her. Inadvertently one of the daughters hit Yellow's daughter's head so hard that the yellow daughter died. They are all confused and scared. Finally Jambon's daughter decided to bury the Yellow daughter before her death was known to someone else. Putri Kuning was buried in the middle of the palace flower garden. His green necklace was buried because his father must have suspected that the Green princess was wearing it.

The king was surprised, because this day he had not seen the Yellow daughter who usually accompanied him if he had finished with his royal duties. The king had searched his room, to the palace garden, to the lake, but Yellow's daughter remained invisible. He told the servants to look for him. But for months Putri Kuning was not found. While his siblings claimed to not know about the disappearance of their younger siblings. The king was very sad to lose his beloved daughter.

One day when the king was pensive in the palace garden, he saw a new plant in the middle of his garden.
The leaves are round and green like my daughter's necklace. The flowers are also yellowish and very fragrant. This flower reminds me of my lost daughter.
"I will name this flower the Yellow Flower," said the king.

This flower still grows in the palace garden and accompanies the king until the end of his life. The fragrant flowers are often used to scent hair. The stem can be used to make beautiful boxes and the skin is used to make powder. Like the Yellow princess, yellow flowers also always provide good for those around them.

Okey guys, short story about "Bunga Kemuning" is over.
How the readers? Useful yess..?😃
Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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