Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello friends, in this blog I want to tell you about The origin of the Kidang Crater. Let's read now!
"The origin of the Kidang Crater"
In ancient times in the Dieng region there was a magnificent and beautiful kingdom, which was inhabited by a daughter Shinta Dewi. Shinta Dewi is a person who is famous for her beauty. But until now no young man had dared to come forward to propose his marriage to Shinta Dewi.
At that time Shinta Dewi heard of a prince who was very rich and powerful, the prince was famous for all the luxuries he had. The prince was named Kidang Garungan.
One day Princess Shinta Dewi accepted the marriage from Prince Kidang Garungan and asked to come to the Dieng Royal Palace to discuss her marriage Pangeran Kidang Garungan started to prepare for Dieng after hearing his Marriage received by Shinta Dewi. On the appointed day depart Prince Kidang Garungan by riding a beautiful gold-plated train by bringing a variety of beautiful gifts that have been prepared to be given to Shinta Dewi, and also accompanied by bodyguards. Like wise Shinta Dewi's daughter has made a preparatory reception. The Kingdom Palace has been decorated with a variety of decorations that make a view. Various entertainment, food and drinks are ready to wait for the rich and powerful Prince to come. But how shocked Shinta Dewi is after meeting the prince. A handsome prince, but Prince Kidang Garungan's head resembles a male antelope's head. In the heart of Shinta Dewi immediately stated her refusal to become a Prince's wife. Finally the Princess submitted a condition to the Prince, and the condition the Prince had to make a large and deep well, and he must do it himself. Prince was surprised to hear the request of his future wife. but he could accept Putri's request after his future wife explained if they would use the well water to take a bath together. The prince accepted the condition without wasting time, he immediately worked with his magic. He immediately created a large and deep hole. Both his strong and sturdy hands continued to dig hard ground, not long after, the well was almost finished. Putri is surprised to see the prince's ability to quickly complete the well. She was very scared and tried to thwart the prince's effort. When he saw the prince still in a big hole, Shita Dewi ordered the soldiers to close the hole with the ground. The prince immediately got angry when he started to get buried in the ground. He knew that all of that was the plan of Shinta Dewi. He also released his power to penetrate the ground, then a big explosion occurred when the prince came out of the pile of land. Before the prince's body came out of the hole Putri ordered all the soldiers to hoard a hole with the ground. The Prince keeps on trying to get out of the pile of land. even though the prince tried hard he still couldn't get out of the hole. Prince immediately issued his curse vow, "Shinta Dewi! Because of your bad behavior then all your children and descendants will have dreadlocks!". The well exploded to make the ground vibrate and the surface felt hot. And finally it was named Si Kidang Crater.
Alhamdulillah, the short story about The origin of the Kidang Crater is over. I hope will be useful for anyone who read this. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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