Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

The Three Little Pig

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Hello Guys,
Here I will retell a fairy tale titled The Three Little Pig. Let's read now.

Once there were three little pigs, who left their fathers and mummies to see the world. Throughout the summer, they explored the forest and passed the plains, playing games and having fun. Wherever they went, they were warmly welcomed, but when summer was almost over. Fall comes and the rain starts to fall. Three small pigs began to feel they needed a real home. However, they knew that pleasure was over now and they had to start working like everyone else, or they would be left in cold and rainy weather, without a roof over their heads. They talk about what to do, but each decides for himself. The lazy little pig said that he would build a straw hut.

"That's not the way to build a house!" he says. "It takes time, patience and hard work to build a house that is strong enough to withstand wind, rain and snow, and most importantly, protect us from wolves!"

Days passed, and the wisest little pig's house was formed, brick by brick.

"Why are you working so hard? Why don't you come and play?" But the stubborn pig just said "no".
"I will finish my house first. It must be strong. And then I will come and play!" he says. "I will not be as stupid as you! Said little pig.

The little pigs rushed home. The wolf arrived.

"Exit!" ordered the wolf, his mouth was runny. I want to talk with you!"
"I'd rather live in my place now!" replied the little pig in a small voice.
"I will get you out!" snarled the wolf angrily, then he blew the air with all his might directed at the house. And all the straw stacked by the silly pig fell into a big explosion. The wolf did not realize that the little pig had crawled out from under the haystack, and ran towards his brother's wooden house. When he realized that the little pig had fled, the wolf went wild with anger.


"I hope this house won't fall! Let's lean to the door so he can't enter!"
Outside, wolves can hear small pig words. Because of hunger, he tried to open the door violently.
"Open it! Open it! I just want to talk to you!"

Inside, the brothers cried in fear and did their best to hold the door firmly against the blow. Fortunately, the wisest little pig had seen the condition from the window of his own house, and he quickly opened the door for his fleeing brothers. The wolf had banged on the door angrily. This time, the wolf has big doubts. This house has much denser air than others. He blew once, he blew again and then for the third time. But everything is in vain. Because the house doesn't move one bit. Three little pigs watched him and their fears began to fade. Quite tired of his efforts, the wolf decided to try one of the tricks. He hurried up the stairs nearby, to the roof to see the chimney. However, the wisest little pig had an idea, and he quickly said.

"Hurry up! Turn on the fire!" With his long legs pushed down the chimney, the wolf wasn't sure if he should slide down the black hole. It's not easy to enter, but the sound of the little pig below just makes him feel hungry.
"I'm very hungry! I'll try to go down." And he let himself fall, his body was hit by fire and his tail became a burning torch.
"Never again! I will never go down the chimney again," he screamed, as he tried to extinguish the fire on his tail. Then he fled as fast as possible.
Three happy little pigs, dancing around in the yard, began to sing. "Tra-la-la-la-la-la! An evil black wolf will never come back ...!"

From that terrible day, the wisest little pig brothers started working quickly. In a short time, two new brick houses were created. Wolves often roam the neighborhood, but when he sees three chimneys, he remembers the terrible pain of a burning tail. Now that it is safe and happy, the wisest little pig calls his brothers.
"No more work! Come on, let's go and play!"


Thank You,
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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