Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

The Little Red Riding Hood

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Hello everyone..
Here I will retell you a fairy tale titled The Little Red Riding Hood.
Happy reading

Once in the middle of a dense forest stood a small cottage, the home of a beautiful little girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood. One day, his mother waved goodbye at the park gate, and said:

"Grandma is sick. Bring her this basket of cakes, but be careful. Keep going along the path in the forest and never stop."

Little Red Riding Hood kisses his mother and runs away. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll run to Grandma's house without stopping."

Full of good intentions, the little girl walked through the forest
Putting the basket on the ground, Little Red Riding Hood bends over the strawberry plant. "They are good and mature, and very big! Delicious! Delicious! Only one more. And one more. This is the last one. Well, this one is Mmmm."

The red fruit peered invitingly through the leaves in the grassy grass, and Little Red Riding Hood ran back and forth popping strawberries into his mouth. Suddenly he remembered his mother, his promise, Grandma and the basket and rushed back to the path. The basket was still in the grass and, while humming alone, Little Red Riding Hood continued.
The wood gets thicker. Suddenly a yellow butterfly floated down through the trees. Little Red Riding Hood starts chasing butterflies.

"I'll catch you! I'll catch you!" he was called. Suddenly he saw several large daisies on the grass.

"Oh, how sweet!" he exclaimed and, thinking of Grandma, he took a bunch of large flowers.

Meanwhile, two evil eyes spying on him from behind a tree, the strange rustling in the forest made Little Red Riding Hood's heart pound.

Now he is afraid enough to say to himself. "I have to find a way and run from here!"

Finally he reached the trail again, but his heart jumped into his mouth when he heard a rough voice that said, "Where are you going, my beautiful girl, alone in the woods?"

"I took Grandma's cake. She lives at the end of the road," Little Riding Hood said in a weak voice.
When he heard this, the wolf (because of the big bad wolf itself) politely asked: "Does Grandma live alone?"

"Oh, yes," replied Little Red Riding Hood, "and he never opened the door for strangers!"

"Goodbye. Maybe we'll meet again," answered the wolf. Then he jumped away thinking to himself, "I will devour his grandmother first, then lie down waiting for his grandson!" Finally, the cottage was visible. Knock! Knock! Wolf knocked on the door.
"Who is there?" Grandma exclaimed from her bed.

"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I brought you a cake because you were sick," answered the wolf, trying hard to hide his rough voice.

"Lift the latch and enter," Grandma said, not realizing something was wrong, until a terrible shadow appeared on the wall. Poor grandmother! Because in one bond, the wolf jumps across the room and, in one mouthful, swallows the old woman. Immediately after, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door.

"Grandma, can I come in?" he was called.

Now, the wolf has been wearing the old woman's scarf and hat and sneaking into the bed. Trying to imitate Grandma's trembling little voice, she replied: "Open the hook and enter!

"A very deep voice," said the little girl in surprise.
"It's better to welcome you," said the wolf.
"Goodness, what big eyes do you have."
"It's better to meet you."
"And what big hand do you have!" exclaimed Little Red Riding Hood, stepping onto the bed.
"It's better to hug you," said the wolf.
"Your mouth is huge," the little girl muttered in a weak voice.
"It's better to eat with you!" growled the wolf, and jumped out of bed, he swallowed it too. Then, with a fat belly, he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, a hunter emerged from the forest, and when he looked at the hut, he decided to stop and ask for a drink. He had spent a lot of time trying to catch a large wolf who had terrorized the environment, but had lost track of it. The hunter can hear strange whistling sounds; seems to come from inside the cottage.
He peered through the window and saw the big wolf itself, with a fat stomach, snoring on Grandma's bed.

"Wolf! He won't go this time!"
Without making a sound, the hunter carefully filled his weapon and gently opened the window. He aimed the barrel straight at the wolf's head and BANG! The wolf is dead.

"You finally succeeded!" the hunter shouted happily.
He cut the wolf's stomach and with amazement appeared Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood, they were safe and unharmed.

"It's safe to go home now," said the hunter to Little Red Riding Hood. "The big bad wolf is dead and gone, and there is no danger on the road. when the twilight went down, Little Red Riding Hood's mother arrived, she was out of breath, worried because her little girl hadn't come home. And when he saw Little Red Riding Hood, safe and sound, he cried happily.

Thank you,
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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