Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019

Rabbit and Turtle

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Here I will retell about story titled Rabbit and Turtle.
Let's read now.

In a small forest on the edge of the village there is a rabbit that arrogant. She likes to taunt animals - other weaker animals. Animals - other animals such as turtles - turtles, snails, ants and animals - other small animals no one likes the rabbits was cocky. One day, the rabbit walks arrogantly seek to be insulted weak opponent. Incidentally, he met the tortoise - tortoise.

Rabbit: "Hey, turtle - the tortoise, the slow, you do not run off the road..... Let's run, let me quickly up. Turtles: "Let the hare, slow path indeed. The important thing I got to my destination safely, rather than quickly - faster later fall and get hurt." Rabbit: "Hey turtles - turtles, what if we run the race. If you win, I'll give you anything you ask for a gift."

Where as in the rabbit heart says.

Rabbit: "How could he be able to beat me." Turtles: "Well, how could I compete rabbit racing with you, you can run and jump quickly, while I go step by step while carrying this heavy my house." Rabbit: "I cannot, you should not reject my challenge this. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow morning under the banyan tree. I will call the wolf pack to be the referee."
Turtles can only be silent gawking. Said in his heart.

Turtles: "How can I beat the rabbit?"

    The next day the rabbit wait Proudly under the banyan tree. Mr. Wolf also has come to be a referee. Once the turtles come pack of wolves said.

Wolf pack: "The rules are like this, you start from the tree line on the other side under the mango tree. Can you not see? "Rabbit: "Can...." Turtles: "Can...."Wolf pack: "Now who could come first under the banyan tree, that's what wins." Okay, ...... One...... Two...... Three...... Started! "Rabbits jump immediately preceded turtles, which began to move slowly because he could not leave his house.
Rabbit: “Come turtles, run dong!” Well, I’m waiting here...”

    Rabbits sit while singing. The wind was blowing softly and when cool, so make a sleepy bunny rabbit and soon fell asleep. Slowly but surely turtles stepping over backwards. With turtles, he passed a rabbit who had fallen asleep. A few more steps he will reach the finish line. That's when the rabbit got up. How shocked he saw turtles has almost reached the finish over backwards he ran and jumped to catch turtles. But it was too late, foot turtles has touched the finish line and a pack of wolves has been decided that the winner is the turtles. The arrogant rabbit stunned silence, as if not believing that he could fall asleep. 
So who is the winner yes, turtles.

Thank you
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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