Minggu, 07 April 2019

Scientist in Magic Academy

Part 12: Science or Magic

When the old man brandished his stick, I pushed Sis Erika away. Seconds later, a glass dome appeared, which surrounded me with the Count Blackwoods. The teachers held up their sticks at us, said a few spells to pierce the glass. But none of them succeeded. Sounds of people calling me. Demian and Viktor tried to save me, but all were unsuccessful. With panic, I tried to see the face of the old man whose face was white and the big eyes next to him, his face looked very angry. I tried to pull the gun that was on my waist and pointed at it. "Absolute Enchantment Dome Charms," ​​I said. "It's great that you can understand this kind of magic!" The Absolute Dome of the Dome is an enclosure magic impossible to penetrate, even by its own owner. The only way to kill people who are confined in a dome and must leave only one person. "Fafner Redforest, you have dared to fail my plan, I can't let you live. You undermine magic power. If all of this is left, then more Normar like you will appear. "

Count Blackwoods tried to surround the dome, I also followed his movements. "Fafner, do you know why I want to be the most powerful creature in the world?" "Because you are!" Count Blackwoods laughed. "I just want to get rid of greedy people. I want to protect witches from Normar's descendants like you. The Normars who don't want to be satisfied with their lives and try to emulate wizards. " Suddenly I felt weak. "That is true. I am Normar, a weak person who keeps looking for tools to get the convenience of the tools. However, I'm proud to be so. " Count Blackwoods stopped moving, then raised his stick. "So you gave up being a witch, Fafner?" I also raised my gun. "I've always been a magician, and I believe that magic is not the highest power. Hmm..ah! Right. Call me a scientist. " Then there were two attacks, it seemed that the old man had kept the preparations, he swung his staff before I shot, and then a red light appeared. I tried to avoid it, and it worked. When Count Blackwoods wanted to swing his wand again, I shot him quickly. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! All my bullets managed to penetrate the man's stomach and head. I paused for a moment. Blood began to emerge from his body. But the blood is not red, but green. A miracle happened, the green blood could treat Coun Blackwoods wounds, then turn into meat. Magic Meat Counterfeiters! Soon, I lost my strength. I coughed accidentally. Actually, from the start I didn't really hope to survive. My stomach feels nauseous. Everything darkens. It's really dark and quiet.

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