Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone...
I will post in my blog about the legend of Tangkuban Perahu, Tangkuban Perahu is a famous and interesting legend. If you never read. Let's read now yes.
In ancient times there was a crossing in a forest. The boar was feeling thirsty in the heat of the sun. When he searched for springs, he saw that there was water stored in the tree, then he immediately drank the water to get rid of thirst. Without realizing it, the water is the urine of Raja Sungging Perbangkara. Because of the supernatural power of Raja Sungging Perbangkara, the wild boar contains after drinking his urine. Nine months later the boar gave birth to a baby girl.
Raja Sungging Perbangkara knows of the existence of a baby girl who was born because of her urine. He went to the forest to find the baby girl. He gave him the name Dayang Sumbi and took him home to the royal palace.
Dayang Sumbi grew to be a very beautiful woman, many kings and nobles wanted to marry the daughter of Raja Sungging Perbangkara. However, all of the proposal was rejected by Dayang Sumbi smoothly. Not at all unexpected by Dayang Sumbi, those who were rejected were fighting each other on their own to fight over him.
Dayang Sumbi was very saddened to learn that the kings and nobles who were refused were fighting each other. He begged Raja Sungging Perbangkara to seclude himself. The king finally allowed his son to seclude himself. Dayang Sumbi was estranged on a hill accompanied by a male dog named Tumang. To fill her free time while in exile, Dayang Sumbi made woven cloth. When Dayang Sumbi was weaving, the woven equipment fell. At that time Dayang Sumbi felt lazy to take it, and he said. "Whoever is willing to take my weaving equipment that has fallen, if that man will I make him a husband, if he is a woman he will make me brother."
Tumang unwittingly took the fallen weaving equipment and gave it to Dayang Sumbi.
Dayang Sumbi kept her promise, she married Tumang who turned out to be a goddess. Tumang is a god who is cursed to be an animal and thrown to earth. A few months after marriage, Dayang Sumbi became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Dayang Sumbi gave her the name Sangkuriang.
Time passed. A few years later, Sangkuriang had grown into a handsome young man whose face was strong and powerful.
Since childhood, Sangkuriang likes to hunt in the forest. Every time to the Sangkuriang forest, Tumang is always accompanied by him. Sangkuriang did not know that Tumang was his biological father.
One day Sangkuriang intended to look for deer because his mother wanted to eat deer hearts. After a while in the forest, Sangkuriang saw a deer. Sangkuriang ordered Tumang to chase the deer, but Tumang was usually not obedient, when he did not obey his orders. Sangkuriang became angry.
He said. "If you still do not obey my orders, then I will kill you."
Irritated and angry, Sangkuriang killed Tumang. The black dog's heart was taken and taken home. Sangkuriang gave Tumang's heart to his mother to be cooked.
Dayang Sumbi unwittingly cooked and ate the heart. When he found out that it was not a deer's heart but Tumang's heart, Dayang Sumbi was immediately angry at Sangkuriang, then Dayang Sumbi took a dipper made of coconut shell and hit Sangkuriang's head, until Sangkuriang's head was injured.
Sangkuriang was very angry and hurt by his mother's treatment. According to him, his mother loved Tumang more than he did. So, without his mother's permission to Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang left home.
Dayang Sumbi was very sorry after knowing the departure of his son Sangkuriang. He meditated and begged forgiveness of the gods for the mistakes he made. The gods heard Dayang Sumbi's request, they accepted the apology and gave Dayang Sumbi an eternal beauty.
Sangkuriang continues to go without a definite purpose. Sangkuriang continued to increase his magic by studying with the magic people he met.
Sangkuriang returned to the place where he was born.
Sangkurian fascinated with Dayang Sumbi's eternal beauty, she did not realize that the beautiful woman she met in the forest was her own biological mother. The same thing happened to Dayang Sumbi who was not aware of the powerful young man was his son Sangkuriang. Because they fell in love they planned to get married.
Before the wedding took place Sangkuriang intended to hunt. Dayang Sumbi helped Sangkuriang wear a head covering. At that time Sumbi's lady-in-law saw a wound on her prospective husband's head, he remembered his son who had left him. He was very sure the dashing young man was his son Sangkuriang.
Dayang Sumbi then explained that she was the biological mother of Sangkuriang. Therefore he was not willing to marry his biological child. However, Sangkuriang ignored Dayang Sumbi's explanation, he would still marry Dayang Sumbi.
Dayang Sumbi proposed an extraordinary condition that he wanted the Citarum River to be dammed to make a lake, and inside the lake there was a big boat and all that had to be done in one night.
Sangkuriang immediately received a request from Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang immediately realized the request of Dayang sumbi. The first time he cut down a large tree to make a boat. The branches and branches of the tree then turn into the mountain Burangrang. The big boat was finally finished by Sangkuriang. Pemuda Sakti intends to stem the heavy flow of the Citarum river to be made by a lake. Sangkuriang then summoned spirits to help him realize Dayang sumbi's request.
All that was done by Sangkuriang was known by Dayang Sumbi, Dayang Sumbi felt anxious when he saw Sangkuriang's work will be finished soon. He had to thwart Sangkuriang's work so that the marriage with his biological child was not carried out. He begged for help from the Gods.
After praying, Dayang Sumbi got instructions. Dayang Sumbi had to make the condition look morning, she also felt the rooster sounded when it was still night. The spirits are very scared, they run and disappear. They left their work to make the lake and boat unfinished.
Sangkuriang is very angry. He felt Dayang Sumbi had cheated on him. Very angry, Sangkuriang directly damaged the dam at Sanghyang Tikoro.Citarum river flow was directed to the east which later turned into Mount Manglayang. The water that originally filled the lake receded. Sangkuriang kicked the big boat he had made to the far and the lowest fall. The big boat became a mountain which was later called Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang's anger has not subsided. He knew, all of that was the plan of Dayang Sumbi to thwart the marriage with him. Sangkuriang chased the frightened woman who kept running to dodge until it finally disappeared on a hill. The hill then turned into Gunung Putri. Whereas Sangkuriang, who failed to find the Sunbi Lady, finally disappeared into the magical world.
Okey, the story is over, I hope can useful for the readers. Thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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