Hello everyone...!
Welcome back in my blog, I want tell you about the Legend of Ciung Wanara from West Java, if you never read this, let's read now.
Once upon a time stood a kingdom in Tatar pasundan, West Java, named kingdom Galuh. At that time the king who held the leadership named Raden Barma Wijaya Kusumah. The king has two empresses, the first is Nyimas Dewi Naganingrum and the second is Nyimas Dewi Pangrenyep. And at that time the two empresses were pregnant.
During childbirth, Dewi pangrenyep gave birth first. From his womb was born a baby boy named Hariangbanga. Not long after, Dewi Naganingrum gave birth, when Dewi Naganingrum gave birth who acted as a midwife (Paraji sunda) was Dewi Pangrenyep. Dewi Naganingrum gave birth to a baby boy too.
During this time Dewi Pangrenyep did not want a wife who rivaled her, because if there was another queen then the throne of the kingdom would later be divided into two and it was not desirable.
Unknown to Dewi Naganingrum, her baby boy had exchanged it for a puppy, while the actual baby had been put in a basket with a chicken egg included, then the baby in the basket was washed away from the river Citanduy.
At the time the King summoned Ki Lengser (King's advisor), but this time it was not to ask for advice, but instead ordered Lengser so that Dewi Naganingrum was immediately killed and his body thrown away. Without thinking long Ki Lengser immediately said goodbye from the front of his king to immediately carry out his duties.
Throughout the journey Ki Lengser thought hard, to save Dewi Naganingrum's life, because he was sure all the events that happened were the result of engineering. Arriving in a wilderness, Ki finally stopped and asked Dewi Naganingrum to come down.
He made a hut or a small house for his residence for Dewi Naganingrum, with all its amenities, although very simple. After feeling enough to advise Dewi Naganingrum, Ki Lengser promised to visit him even though he could not promise how often and for how long. Dewi Naganingrum in her heart hoped that one day he would meet his true son, and be able to return to live at Galuh Palace with his family. After everything was finished Ki Lengser came home and returned to the palace of Galuh to report to the king that his task of killing Dewi Naganingrum had been completed properly. And for the proof Ki Lengser has wet his weapon with the blood of game animals in the forest. So that it appears on the weapon dry blood lines.
While in other places, in a village called Gegersunten village there lived a couple who were quite old. But they don't have children. They are named Aki and Nini Balangantrang. One afternoon both of them went to Citanduy's side to look at the fish traps they had installed since morning. How shocked they were when they arrived at the place putting fish traps, there they found a large basket containing a baby boy who was very cute and handsome, maybe this is the answer to the prayer they had been praying so tirelessly. A chicken egg that was included with the baby was sent by Aki Balangantrang to a dragon named Nagawiru and was on Mount Padang. This dragon is not a dragon carelessly but is the incarnation of a god, and it is his duty to incubate an egg that is included with the baby of Barma Wijaya Kusumah's son. Later, the egg will incubate a rooster and become a pet and a favorite of the child who is washed away.
Time passed, without feeling the baby had grown up now, handsome and beautiful, apparently. With full diligence and patience, Aki and Nini Balangantrang passed on all the magic they possessed to their adopted children. One day Aki Balangantrang again invited his son to hunt in the forest around their residence. Arriving at the forest, Aki Balangantrang's adopted son saw a monkey that he considered strange because he had just seen it, the monkey was named Wanara, he also saw a bird he had just met, the bird named Ciung. Both of them agreed, the names of the two animals were used as the names of their children. So he was named Ciung Wanara.
Now Ciung Wanara has grown into a young man. He wants to go to Galuh Kingdom. Depart Ciung Wanara to the Kingdom of Galuh with a favorite rooster. Arriving at the Kingdom of Galuh, Ciung Wanara met two people named Purawesi and Puragading. The two courtiers were curious to see Ciung Wanara, who was carrying a rooster, finally the two approached and invited a match with their respective chickens. Ciung Wanara did not reject the invitation of the two men, so there was a cockfighting match in the middle of the square of the city of the Kingdom of Galuh. Good fortune sided with Ciung Wanara, his favorite cock won the match and the two patih's chickens lost to death.
The victory of Ciung Wanara's chicken immediately spread and was heard up to the Kingdom of Galuh. That in the city there is a handsome young man named Ciung Wanara who has a formidable rooster. Destiny has brought together father and son who have been separated by the evil slander of Dewi Pangrenyep.
After getting enough explanation from the young man, the King Barma Wijaya Kusumah continued his intention to invite a cockfighting match with Ciung Wanara. And the invitation was welcomed by Ciung Wanara. Both agreed, if Ciung Wanara became the winner in the cockfight, then half of Galuh's kingdom would be given to Ciung Wanara and Ciung Wanara to be recognized as his children. Ciung Wanara will be appointed as a legitimate king. But on the contrary, if Ciung Wanara loses in the cockfighting match, Ciung Wanara's life is at stake, he will be sentenced to death as proof of his defeat.
And cockfighting took place immediately with excitement, at first Ciung Wanara's chicken seemed defeated and pressed. At the critical moment, Nagawiru came and entered the body of Ciung Wanara's chicken body. The chicken quickly becomes fresh and strong again. Ciung Wanara immediately returned to bring the chicken that had been bathed and the match continued. This time thanks to the power of Nagawiru in the chicken body belonging to Ciung Wanara, easily and quickly the chicken owned by Prabu Barma Wijaya Kusumah began to lose and was pressed. Even the chickens often run scared out of the arena. Ciung Wanara again won the cockfighting match. In accordance with Prabu's agreement Barma Wijaya Kusumah fulfilled his promise and acknowledged Ciung Wanara as his legitimate son, and the Kingdom of Galuh was divided by the King, the other half was given to Hariangbanga and was appointed as king in his place. All the secrets of the life of Ciung Wanara are open and all mistakes made by Dewi Pangrenyep are revealed by themselves. After Ki Lengser told that his mother Dewi Naganingrum was still there and was alienated in a forest. Ciung Wanara was very happy and immediately picked up her mother. Likewise, the two adoptive parents Aki and Niini Balangantrang also stayed in the Kingdom. Now Ciung Wanara has become a king.
Meanwhile Dewi Pangrenyep began to worry after knowing that Ciung Wanara was a baby child he had thrown away. Until finally his anxiety and concern were immediately answered and realized. Prabu Ciung Wanara after knowing what Dewi Pangrenyep had done to his mother and himself, then immediately formed a special force to arrest Dewi Pangrenyep. Dewi Pangrenyep was immediately caught and thrown into the palace prison to make up for all her crimes and atrocities.
While Raden Hariangbanga was shocked to learn that his beloved mother had been captured by King Ciung Wanara's army and put in prison. A fierce battle continues and Raden Hariangbanga must accept defeat.
According to the words circulating in the Pasundan Tatar community, because they were defeated in the battle of King Hariangbanga's body thrown by Ciung Wanara to cross the Cipamali river, since then the Kingdom of Galuh was really divided into two.
Okay, the story of Ciung Wanara is over. I as the writer hope this blog useful for the readers.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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