Minggu, 11 November 2018

kejujuran saya ^_^

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hallo guys,,,,😁

Disini saya akan membahas kejujuran saya mengenai penerapan 2 poin penting, yaitu :
Sebelumnya, saya akan mendefinisikan dulu arti dari kata RAJIN dan DISIPLIN.
  • Rajin, yaitu mampu mengerjakan atau melaksanakan suatu kegiatan atau tugas secara berkelanjutan dengan pemahaman yang baik dan tidak menunda, dengan tujuan agar tugas atau kegiatan itu cepat terselesaikan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Pada dasarnya rajin itu bisa terbangun dengan baik jika niat yang ada pada diri pribadi itu sudah tertata dan ada dorongan untuk maju.


Ø  Belum, dalam arti saya masih tergantung dengan mood, jika niat saya kuat maka saya juga bisa dikatakan rajin namun jika rasa malas sudah membelenggu pada diri saya, saya belum dikatakan rajin, kadang mau belajar atau ngerjakan tugas juga saya tunda-tunda, “ah nanti dulu, biar jam 19.00 PM, enakin tiduran dulu”, dan pada akhirnya saya tidak belajar, karena niat saya untuk belajar tadi masih setengah istilahnya. Namun saya akan berusaha untuk menghilangkan penyakit “Malas” pada diri saya, karena mengingat tanggungan yang semakin banyak, maka saya harus bisa menanamkan sifat rajin itu dengan sebaik-baiknya.


  • Disiplin, sikap atau pemahaman yang tertanam pada diri pribadi seseorang untuk teratur menjalani aturan. Bisa dikatakan juga sikap yang sadar akan aturan tanpa adanya pengaruh dari orang lain. Artinya sikap dissplin itu bisa terwujud atas dasar kesadaran diri sendiri atau pure tanpa ada kata paksaan. Dengan tujuan agar hidupnya selalu tertata dengan baik dan tidak mendapatkan kerugian. Disiplin bisa mencakup beberapa hal yaitu, disiplin waktu, disiplin aturan, disiplin berpakaian, dll.


Ø  Sudah, untuk disiplin, saya merasa sudah menerapkannya. Misalnya saja disiplin waktu, saya berusaha mematuhi aturan itu dengan baik, misalnya pukul sekian saya harus disitu, jadi ya pukul itu juga saya sudah harus ready ditempat itu. Karena jika saya tidak tepat waktu atau terlambat maka saya sendiri yang akan rugi.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.


Minggu, 04 November 2018

Topic sentence and Supporting sentence

Hay gaes,
In here I will explain about Topic sentence, Supporting sentence, and Main idea.

1.      Topic sentence (Main idea)
Topic sentence sering disebut juga ide pokok, pokok pikiran, gagasan utama, gagasan pokok, dan pikiran utama.Topic sentence is a sentence that states main idea(gagasan utama) of a paragraph. This sentence is a general sentence in the paragraph.

A.    Location of topic sentence
            Topic sentence are usually at the beginning of a paragraph(deduktive). The aim is to make it easier for the reader to understand and find the topic of the paragraph. Position topic sentence can be at the beginning, middle, end, or even not written at all. But most of the topic sentence are predictable sentence, the sentence are particular and the next sentence is an explanation sentence of a general topic sentence.

B.     The characteristic of topic sentence 
-      The main sentence can stand alone and have a clear meaning, no conjunction is needed. 
-     The main sentence is usually at the beginning of the paragraph (deductive). However, sometimes it is at the end of the paragraph (inductive).
-        The main sentence contains a problem that can be developed in detail.
-        The main sentence is a general statement, and can be developed.

C.     How the find main idea :
-       Find the topic and theme of the first paragraph.
-      Note the words and phrases that are often used (called) by the author in developing the topic.
-     Pay attention to the conclusions of the paragraph where the author will expressing where the author will expressing his main idea.
-       The main idea is located at the beginning, end, or in the middle of the paragraph.
-       The main idea must be a complete sentence (there are subjects and predicates).

Example :
-        Topic sentence at the Beginning :
There are three different types of burns: first, second, and third degree burns. First degree or superficial burns are considered mild compared to other burns. They involve only the top layer of skin (epidermis). Second degree or partical thickness burns affect the top layer of skin and a portion of the lower layer of skin (dermis). Third degree or full thickness burns are the worst burns. These burns destroy the first and second layer of skin and damage deeper tissues.

Topic sentence : “There are three different types of burns: first, second, and third degree burns”.

-        Topic sentence at the End :
People do it everyday. They log on to their favorite website and browse for hours, checking out bargains. They dump every possible wish into their shopping carts, knowing they can cast each one aside before they finalize their purchases. On the way, they may enter a sweepstakes in the hopes of winninga trip to Cabo San Lucas, or maybe even a new SUV. And then, when they have decided on their purchases, they enter private information without giving it a thought. With a keystroke, they release their personal data into what may or may not be a secure zone. Despite what much of the public believes, internet shopping is not safe.
Topic sentence : “Despite what much of the public believes, internet shopping is not                             safe”.

-        Topic sentence at the Middle :
When a camera flash is used in a low-light environment, the subject eyes may appear red in the finished photograph. What is known as “red-eye” is the result of light from the flash reflecting off the puplis of the eyes. The phenomenon of red-eye can be lessened by using the red-eye reduction feature found on many SLR cameras. This feature activates a lamp which shines a small light directly into the subject’s eyes. When this happens, the diameter of the pupil is reduced, thus lightening the opening in the iris. Since a smaller pupil means a smaller host for the reflection, the chanes of red-eye occuring are greatly reduced. 
Topic sentence : “The phenomenon of red-eye can be lessened by using the red-eye reduction feature found on many SLR cameras”.

Supporting Sentence
Supporting sentence is a sentences which is arranged to clarify the topic of the sentence. In   sentences containing supporting sentence ore more complete explanations.

Location of supporting sentence
Supporting sentence always placed after topic sentence.

Characteristics of supporting sentence :
1.      Often a sentence that cannot stand alone.
2.      The meaning of the sentence is clear after being connected with another sentence in one paragraph.
3.      The contents are in the form of details, information, example, and other data that support the topic sentence.

Types supporting sentence :
a.       Major
Topic sentences in each body paragraph that support the thesis statement, directly explain, develop, or illustrate the main idea.
b.      Minor
Sentences that support the major supporting details. Explain a major detail further. The main idea would more be clear the minor details.

How to Determine or finding supporting sentence in paragraph :
1.      Read all paragraphs.
2.     Determine the topic of sentence from the paragraph being read, the main idea the writer wants to tell, which is usually in the initial sentence.
3.    The position of the supporting sentence is usually always placed after the topic sentence because it serve as an explanation of the main idea that wants to be told or topic sentence.

Example the supporting sentence in the paragraph :
    Eating dark chocolate is good for health. According to some studies, black chocolate is one of the greatest sources of antioxidants, fiber and minerals. In addition, dark chocolate may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Supporting sentence in this paragraph explain various health benefits that can be obtained by consuming dark chocolate.
    The presence of internet banking provides many conveniences for its users. In addition to saving time and effort, internet banking is intended to facilitate online purchase transactions, credit card payments, electricity bills, phone bills, money transfers, and so forth. Plus, through internet banking, we can easily check the balance of saving, account mutation, exchange information without the need to visit the bank concered.
                The Supporting sentence in this paragraph explains the convenience that can be  obtained through the use of internet banking.


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